Hitler & the Rural NAZIs – The Jewish Urban Culture versus White Rural Culture – Which will dominate?


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This is from a reply I wrote to one of the readers of my website:

re: Urban Vs Rural divide
I agree with you. I see this as caused by other higher level things. For example, I think that Urban culture is essentially a Jewish dominated (and sick and weak) business/money orientated view of life. However Rural culture is much more White/European and it is our more natural culture whereas the urban culture is NOT natural for us. But these problems will be solved. Keep in mind that Hitler and the NAZIS took over the cities and were able to crush that sick Jewish culture. So don’t think that the urban culture can crush us. We can crush the urban culture. We need to take everything back including the biggest cities. There is too much of great strategic value there for them to be abandoned. But the NAZIs, originally, came from rural people. The Rural/White culture can defeat even the biggest cities. Don’t be worried by this.

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