Hitler: The Incredible story of a humble white man who became an Emperor!
The amount of derivatives is several times more than the enormous debt of the US Government. The fake money created by the Bankers makes the US Government Debt look like nothing.
[This is a short and fabulous article about the most incredible white man of modern times – Adolf Hitler. In this article you will get a little bit of a sense of this astounding man. How was it that a man who worked with his hands rose to achieve such incredible things?
One point that’s not mentioned here is: HE WAS SELF EDUCATED! He was not taught by the Jews or Liberals how to think! He thought for himself! That is what all us whites must do! Furthermore, we must work towards the day when his name, and the sacred symbol of our race, the Swastika can fly again in the sun without having the Jews around screeching and howling their filthy heads off – a race of garbage and filth!
Never forget that Hitler, while not having the title of Emperor, was in fact an Emperor. He built an Empire using a defeated nation. His achievements are the stuff of legend and proof that in recent times this sort of thing is possible when you have the right people with the right LEADER! Never forget the importance of a brilliant leader! Such bright stars as him, have burned bright in Europe and among our race for thousands of years! This is what our race is capable of! Jan]
Adolf Hitler (1889 – 1945)
He was born into humble circumstances, the son of an obscure civil servant in a remote corner of a crumbling empire, yet his name resounds throughout the world to this day. He was rejected by the universities of his time for formal enrollment in art and in architecture, and yet he erected mighty buildings and monuments, and today a simple postcard that he drew in ink or charcoal fetches staggering sums at auction.
He never achieved more than a public school education, yet he wrote a book which has outsold every other book in history except for the Bible. He fought as a front line soldier through all four years of the greatest war in history up to that time, never rising above the rank of corporal, but he won both of his country’s highest decorations for bravery under fire and rose to command the mightiest armies on earth.
Almost unique in the history of his century, he was not a lawyer or an aristocrat or a man of inherited wealth and privilege, but a man who once earned his daily bread with the labor of his hands, and yet he conquered politics and rose to the leadership of the most brilliant and creative nation on earth.
So that his people might travel across the land he loved quickly and cheaply, he created a simple and sturdy automobile still in use today, and a network of highways that still spans Germany. His game and forestry laws are still in force, and are praised by ecologists as a model of environmental protection. His economic program received the sincerest form of flattery from the loathsome Roosevelt, who stole it and copied it into the context of the American Depression as his own.
Every man who ever met him personally, even those who became his bitterest enemies, spoke of him forever afterwards with awe and admiration. His courtesy and his gallantry toward women were legendary. With his power and his prestige he could have had any woman he wanted, but the woman he chose as his life’s partner, and who eventually died by his side, was a simple and humble daughter of the people.
He did not drink. He did not smoke. He was a lifelong lover of animals and children and was happiest in the company of toddlers rather than statesmen and soldiers, and no one ever overheard him use a profane word or tell a smutty joke. He lifted his people up from the mud of defeat and despair and alien domination, and he died trying to do the same for all of us.
To this day, his memory is kept green by the Aryan peoples of Germany and the world, even though it means prison, and in some countries death, to honor him or his legacy within the sight or hearing of the tyrant. He has been slandered, vilified, lied about, cursed, distorted, and damned every day since his death by the most powerful and evil tyranny mankind has ever known, and yet his name and his Symbol cannot be suppressed by force or by propaganda. As we begin this new Millennium, his book is read and his name is on more lips than ever before and his image and his strength fills the hearts of a whole new generation of young Aryan men and women. He is invincible and immortal, and Victory shall one day be his.
He holds out his hand to us all. He offers us his strength and his wisdom, at a time when we so badly need both. Let us keep him always in our hearts and our minds and our souls, until the day comes when once more we may speak his name aloud and raise on high the sacred Banner for which he and so many millions more lived and died.
Source: From Harold Covington’s site: http://downwithjugears.blogspot.com.au/
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