Germany wants to kick extremists out of military faster – There is a good side to this – My Comments


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[What pleases me about this is that there are extremists in the German military. It is clearly concerning the fake Jewish-owned scum who run Germany. If they are hunting down extremists inside the military and kicking them out, it means that they are extremely concerned about what these extremists might do. For example, they might actually gain traction among other military personnel. In the USA Obama and Clinton were firing senior officers. All this tells me is that there ARE white males who have got racial tendencies, and they need to be removed. This means that they will be among us, and on our side. They will remain useful even after they have been kicked out of the military. For me the key take-away is that such white males do exist, and they have military experience. This is all EXCELLENT. I'm delighted to see that there are Germans who are not brain dead. White Revolution is the only way for the white man … EVERYWHERE! Jan]

BERLIN – The German government has agreed on a bill that would speed up the dismissal of soldiers involved in extremism or serious crimes.

Current military rules mean that soldiers who have served for more than four years can only be kicked out after they have been convicted of a crime or removed as part of a court-led disciplinary procedure. In practice, this can mean soldiers remain in the military for years until they are removed.

The bill proposed Wednesday by Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer allows the military to swiftly expel soldiers if their continued presence would “seriously threaten the military order or the reputation of the Bundeswehr” and they have served fewer than eight years.

German officials have expressed alarm over the recent discovery of several far-right extremists in the military, including a member of the special forces unit KSK who had hoarded weapons, ammunition and explosives at home. Last month, the head of the unit, Brig. Gen. Markus Kreitmayr, told soldiers that he wouldn’t tolerate extremism in the ranks.

The bill still needs to be passed by parliament.


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