EXCELLENT: MONOPOLIES: US Government defeats Google in AntiTrust Case


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[This is one of the best laws in the USA. We should have that in South Africa. This country is full of Jewish and other monopolies. Jan]

A federal judge yesterday ruled Google violated antitrust laws by illegally holding a monopoly on online search and text advertising. The verdict comes in the first and biggest tech antitrust trial in over two decades and could alter how technology giants conduct business in the modern internet era.

The US Justice Department, along with over 30 state attorneys general, had sued Google in 2020 for allegedly paying more than $10B per year to web browsers and phone manufacturers to become the default search engine across those platforms. Yesterday’s ruling found Google paid over $26B in 2021 alone to secure such agreements. The ruling also found Google controls nearly 90% of the world’s general search services market on desktop devices and 95% on mobile devices. In 2023, Google’s advertising unit generated roughly $238B—triple the revenue in 2016. See how Google makes money here.

It is unclear what penalties or limitations Google will face to restore competition. Google is expected to file an appeal.

Source: 1440:

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