EXCELLENT & IMPORTANT:S.Africa: 4 Blacks attack White Farmer who kills 3 of them
Pics: DIVERSITY HORROR: The burning to death of a White Woman NYC
I published the photo that went viral. The Police were hiding her identity, but someone found out who she is and I published that too. It‘s a horrific story.
The other day, in the Free State, here in South Africa, near the town of Kroonstad 4 Blacks came and attacked a farmer who then shot 3 of them dead.
This is one of the most amazing acts of self defense I have ever heard of in South Africa in recent years. This is fabulous stuff. Damned amazing. It really pleased me.
But can you believe that White man has now been charged with MURDER?
That is how the Black Govt twisted the law. I won’t go into the deeper aspect of gun laws and rules here. But when you have a firearm, you have serious restrictions on its use. The moment you shoot at someone, even if they are busy trying to KILL YOU, you WILL BE CHARGED WITH MURDER.
I once met a lawyer, who also shot one or two Blacks dead who were attacking his wife.
But returning to the fantastic farmer who avoided becoming another FARMER MURDERED, but instead turned the tables on his attackers … I must tell you, Whites just can’t catch a break.
There is another story I need to tell about some Boer attorneys in Pretoria who won a fabulous case, and fought all the way to the highest court in the land, the constitutional court, where they were told that they were right but that the court would not issue the ruling because it would "disrupt South Africa".
Even when Whites FOLLOW THE RULES AND THE LAW it’s no longer working. This is a lot like the USA where we’ve seen people voting and we’ve seen that voting is no longer good enough. Even voting in the USA is not working.
I think in the long run, racial conflict is coming everywhere. The time is coming.
Previously it was a case of NO JUSTICE FOR GERMANS, but it’s already a case of NO JUSTICE FOR WHITES IN SOUTH AFRICA, AMERICA AND ELSEWHERE.
ONLY IN AFRICA: 400 SEX TAPES: Government official is arrested after more than 400 sex tapes leak
As you can see, not much work gets done in Africa at a high level. I‘ll bet you these aren‘t the only women he slept with either. These were just the important ones.