Excellent British Cartoon: King Charles and the World Economic Forum…


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Video: Hamas attack on Israel: Is this a Life or Death fight for the existence of Israel?
Some South African supporters of Loving Life asked for my opinion of this war in Israel and what it could lead to. This is my analysis of the Middle East and what I think about this war between Israel and Hamas. I also look at the Syrian Civil war and we take a look at ALL the Arab/Muslim nations from Egypt to Iran and what threats they might pose to Israel. I also discuss American and Russian military power in the region. Can the region go nuclear? I go into quite a lot of political and military analysis of this conflict.

[I got this from one of my British supporters. Jan]

Note from my supporter:
Saw this and thought of you and your email about Charlie:


Bob Moran is a multi-award winning British illustrator and cartoonist.
His work deals with themes of politics, ethics and family. He uses
emotion to convey important messages, defend moral principles and to
invite people to reflect on what really matters in life. Between 2011
and 2021, Bob was political cartoonist for The Daily Telegraph. During
this time, he established himself as one of the most revered and popular
satirists in the UK. His beautiful artwork and cutting commentary has
brought him international acclaim and numerous awards, from
organisations such as The Foreign Press Association and The Cartoon Arts

In 2020, as the Coronavirus crisis unfolded, Bob adopted a position of
staunch opposition to all government measures and restrictions. He
believed what was happening was immoral, unlawful and unnecessary.
Through his cartoons, he asked people to contemplate the inevitable
consequences of how governments around the world were behaving. In
particular, he tried to highlight the horrific impact on children and
the future society being created for them.

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2004: White separatism on the increase in S.Africa My Comments
Back in 2004 I posted this article about Orania with my comments. You‘ll see back then I was advocating secession and a White‘s only state.

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