DISGUSTING: 911: The Day the Jews murdered thousands of Americans and GOT AWAY WITH IT!!! – Disgusting JUDY WOOD!
Boer Cartoon: Kill the Boer! Kill the Farmer!
This is well said. This sums up what is valid and allowed in South Africa.
[This is from a discussion with an American lady I know and even met when I was in the US. She was sending me some stuff about people now trying to play Jewish word games regarding 911. Jan]
Here is some of what I wrote to her:
I do not know the other people you mention except for JUDY WOOD. When I hear that Fcking name, my head wants to fcking EXPLODE.
What a big load of total shit that woman could talk. I am so glad you are on to her as well.
Then it seems to me you and I are more or less on the same view with this.
911 is something that CANNOT be left to die quietly. That is so wrong. It’s like the holohoax and so many many other huge lies. That was Jewish murder of Americans in our faces, and the Jews walked away from it leaving thousands of dead people.
I also do NOT quote UNZ except under exceptional circumstances and then I warn people I’m quoting a JEW.
Why the bloody hell people run to this damned unz I don’t know.
I’m glad to see you fighting on. I will always publish solid stuff about 911. It is despicable what those filthy scum did on US soil. In 2019 when I was in the US, in New York, I was taken to the monument to 911.
All those Jews involved in this should have been EXECUTED. But it never happens.
Video: The Great Jewish Mask: Part 1 The Jewish ass in the Lions Skin
NB: This video was banned off Youtube in December 2016. This is part 1 of the fabulous little book: The Great Jewish Masque, written in 1936. This little book makes a fascinating study (dont miss parts 5 & 6). The mysterious author of this was EXCEPTIONALLY well-versed in the history of the Middle East & the Jews. (Modern scientific research confirms most of what he wrote but well return to this later in the series).