Charts: South Africa’s decline in 13 graphs
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Africa: Witchcraft fears: Newborn babies bashed to death
Blacks in Africa believe the craziest Witchcraft nonsense. In this story you will see the kind of junk they believe and then if need be they kill their own babies.
Africa: Witchcraft fears: Newborn babies bashed to death
Blacks in Africa believe the craziest Witchcraft nonsense. In this story you will see the kind of junk they believe and then if need be they kill their own babies.
[You'll have to view them at the link below. Jan]
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2005: S.Africa: Coffin industry booming due to AIDS
AIDS was killing Blacks a lot 20+ years ago. Coffin and related industries were booming across Africa, especially north of South Africa.
2005: S.Africa: Coffin industry booming due to AIDS
AIDS was killing Blacks a lot 20+ years ago. Coffin and related industries were booming across Africa, especially north of South Africa.