Video & Audio: The ONLY way for Whites to WIN & survive: Convert ALL other Whites – Do your UTMOST!

Silence = Death for whites. The only way to save our race is through communication. If we do not speak

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Video & Audio: TeamWhite 2020 No 3 Jewish Terrorism: ANTIFA, BAM & BLM: Interview with Chris of Right Voice

I recorded this interview on 4th June 2020. I met Chris, of The Right voice at The Fash Bash in

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Video & Audio: Political Magic: How Roosevelt fooled Americans!

This is the incredible story of how vast numbers of people can be fooled through a bit of trickery. You

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Video & Audio: TeamWhite 2020 No 4: Alison Chabloz, Alex & Jan discuss INSANE Jewish Britain

In this episode of #TeamWhite, Alex and I chat to Alison Chabloz, the British singer and song writer whom the

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Video & Audio: Whites: How to do Activism Effectively – also: Creating a White Political Army

People have been asking me for solutions. In this video I discuss an idea that someone raised with me about

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Video & Audio: How Sexual Blackmail works: Australian Jew Abe Saffron, the original Epstein

I take a look at an Australian Jew whose parents were Russian Jews, who was the “original Epstein”. This Jew

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Video & Audio: How Israel stabbed White Rhodesia & South Africa in the back

JB Campbell was a very interesting American who came to Africa in 1971 in order to try and get additional

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Video & Audio: Blacks are Unfit for Western Civilisation: Smashing cars in USA & Germany

We take a look at 2 pieces of film footage. One is from the USA recently, with the George Floyd

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Video & Audio: South Africa: Blacks drown White boy in boiling water

Its not just Boers who face incredible brutality. Whites in South Africa, regardless of their background are the targets of

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Video & Audio: What White people believed for 40,000 years – 9 Commandments of the White Race

We’ve only been Christians for less than 2,000 years. What were we BEFORE we were Christians? We take a look

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