WW2: February 1936: The Jews were plotting a European War…

Last week I was feeling a bit tired and burned out. The last 2 months have been quite intense and

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JFK’s father liked NAZIS & hated Jews He said: As a race they stink!

[JFK’s father detested the Jews. I’m going to put up 3 things about JFK’s father. They come from a website

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A nice stylish photo of Hitler & 5 Photos wearing a Top Hat

[I like some of the photos of Hitler in suits and especially with a Top Hat on. But this plain

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Translation from Germany: Alfred Schaefer’s trial: Alfred made the judge furious! (Jewish?) Prosecutor needed medical attention!!

[One of my German supporters kindly translated this from German and gave a summary of what happened. Alfred is doing

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INSANE: Jews steal $560 million annually from Germans for the “holocaust” – 25,000 more Jewish holocaust “survivors” found!! WTF!?

[The Jewish scams and bullshit just never stops. It just grows grander by the day. How the hell can they

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EXCELLENT NEWS FOR WHITES EVERYWHERE: Obama warns of: ‘strange and uncertain times’!!!

[This is the best news I’ve heard in a long time. Here it is coming out of the mouth of

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5 Pics Swastikas & NAZI flags make you happy & healthy: Alfred Schaefer in Germany!

I really liked the background that Alfred had when we did this interview on 31st May 2018. I took these

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Mainstream news report on Alfred & Monika Schaefer’s Trial – My Analysis of Critically Important Points

[This is the latest news report on Alfred and Monika’s trial. This is just a few hours old. I’ve not

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Excellent meme: German Ingenuity 1918 Vs 1945 – Do you still buy the Jewish Holocaust lie?

[This very simple comparison below will show you the utter ridiculous nature of the Jewish lies about the Germans. They

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Radio Wehrwolf: Free Matt Hale – Dion talks to Matt Hale’s mother

[Dion interviewed Matt Hale’s long suffering mother. I feel so sorry for Matt and his mother. He was one of

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