2 Charts: S.Africa: Top Jobs: Some ASTOUNDING statistics showing Whites vs Other Races!!!

[In South Africa, where the blacks are the vast majority of the population, we need racial quotas in order for

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Election Rigging: How Liberal Whites lie to Blacks saying Africa is the same as the rest of the WORLD!

[I want to show you a common type of LIE that (((White)) Liberals tell the blacks here in South Africa.

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Angry Afrikaner writes to Editor: Don’t vilify S.Africa’s White People!

[Here is a letter to the Editor of a major newspaper here in SA. This is written by an Afrikaner

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1935: Cartoons exposing the Jews! – Anti-Semitism is the Truth – THE TRUTH NEVER CHANGES!

[Here are 2 cartoons from The American Gentile copies that I have. These were published in about 1935 & 1936.

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[I’ve been keeping my mouth shut over something that was really exciting me, and also stressing me. It took a

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A Very Important message from Tom Metzger to modern National Socialists (NAZIs!) – quoting Hitler!

[Tom Metzger has been doing his utmost for whites for decades. We were discussing what happened to the whites at

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Jew scum hound 94 yo Canadian German to lose his citizenship for 4th time! – Jail in Germany?

[Canada is a truly disgusting Anglo-Jew-Liberal country. The way it has treated Germans who have lived there, and the way

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Did Vikings (& Romans?) get to South America?

[Although I’ve not written or spoken about this topic before, I have done my own research and I think its

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What Charles Darwin believed about the Races of Man: No such thing as Equality!

[Here’s a short article someone wrote on their blog about Darwin. An important note: Over a 100 years ago it

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When Jews go Scientific with Money stuffing up a Scientific Mystery of the Loneliest Whale 52 Hz

[Jews are busy cocking up something that would otherwise have been good and of course their real goal is to

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