Canada: For 20 Months, You’ve Been Scammed – Tanya Gaw Tells Kelowna Mega Rally – My Comments


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Video & Audio: S.Africa: Blacks who openly talk about killing all the Whites
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[Nice stuff from Canada as Paul Fromm and his people fight on. Whites, just keep going, keep getting stuck in. Don't quit. Fight back everywhere… Jan]

KELOWNA. October 23, 2021. "For 20 months, you’ve been scammed," star speaker Tanya Gaw told 300 cheering participants today at Kelowna’s participation in the Worldwide Freedom Rally. "The most important word today is ‘NO’. Sec. 52.1 of the Charter says that any law that is inconsistent with the Charter is of no force or effect" — referring particularly to forced vaccination mandated.

She gave an update on the ongoing persecution of Rolly’s Restaurant, a popular eatery in Hope, B.C. for 25 years. Co-owners Muriel Young and Marlene Abling were given 12 hours notice of an October 8 court hearing because they chose not to check patrons’ vaccine status. You must now be fully vaxxed to eat at a restaurant in British Columbia. They asked for an adjournment to retain counsel. In its stampede to judgement, the Court turned them down. Tanya Gaw offered to act as a representative. This request, too, was turned down, The Court denounced Rolly’s as "a menace to the community" and ordered it closed. It’s business and liquor licences have been taken away.

Tanya Gaw said that those issuing compulsory masking of vaxxing orders must be held personally responsible. Her group Act4Canada approaches businesses and boards of education and informs them of their liabilities. She says: "Employers are interfering with the bodily integrity of their employees when they force them to get the COVID vaccine. "They must be held personally responsible.," she added.

The tactic is beginning to pay off. Some nervous school trustees are now hesitating about imposing masking or vaxxing on their staff and students.

Some months ago, B,C, Ferry fanatics wouldn’t let a mother and child return home because they were not masked.. "They are now showing more respect to their customers," she said.

Canadians must find the courage to say "no", she argued. "Governments didn’t take away our rights; we gave them away. And. according to Pulci Health Canada, vaccines cannot be mandated in Canada, You have rights to life, liberty and security. Know your rights," she advised.

Tanya Gaw also made a special appeal to men."Although I’m a feminist, I love men. Men, tap into your warrior spirit, stand up and lead!" C.L.E.A.R. leader Dave Lindsay, organizer of the weekly END THE LOCKDOWN rally in Kelowna, since April 2020, early on observed that almost two thirds of the attendees were women. "Where are the men?" he asked.

In his remarks to the rally, Mr. Lindsay warned; "People are always trying to take your freedoms away. Standing up for those freedoms is the best
legacy you can leave your children." The stepped up media attacks on the Kelowna protests show "Bonnie Henry is worried and, thus, is so opposed to us."The truthers are having an effect. A doctor told Mr. Lindsay confidentially that only about 40 per cent of the people in Kelowna are fully vaccinated, far fewer than official claims.

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