Boer War: Was Lord Milner, who orchestrated the genocide of Boer Women & Children – a Jew?

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[One of my readers was looking at the issue of the genocide of the Boers in the 2nd Anglo-Boer war. So was the "British Officer", who orchestrated and was the real power behind the concentration camp genocides of the Boer Women and Children a Boer? Maybe… maybe… And it then begs the question: Was he a crypto-Jew since there is, to my knowledge, no overt mention of him actually being Jewish! Jan]

According to a Boer friend of mine Lord Milner was the real guy who orchestrated the genocide of the Boer women and children. And he says that Lord Milner might have been a Jew.

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Audio: JEWS107: How Jews think: Emotional Vs Logical Thinking & its consequences for everyone
This is a very important lesson, and it may contain unique observations from my own analysis of these people. In here, you will also learn why Jews are masters of religion, and why that works for them. Christians do not stand a chance against Jews. Jews focus on winning, and Jews will outwit Christians and most whites with ease.

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