Biden Warns Gun Makers: ‘I’m Coming For You. Period.’


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[I have lost every ounce of respect for all politicians I tell you. I find it horrific that a white male can walk around and talk like this, as if he's pandering to a society of old women. America, as originally created by the WHITES who formed it, was a sane country. Now these assholes walk around and talk all kinds of junk. We whites need a tougher society, a more male society, the way it used to be. It is in such a society that there will be happy women and children and progress. The path forward is through hardness, not softness. Jews come and play on all forms of softness. Jan]

By Rick Moran February 22, 2020

Former Vice President Joe Biden(AP Photo/Cliff Owen)

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is a tough guy. How do we know? ‘Cause he talks real tough, that’s how.

He also doesn’t like guns very much. Doing his best Clint Eastwood impersonation, Biden told gun manufacturers that he is “coming for them.”

To do what, Biden doesn’t say. But whatever can a senile doddering old fool actually do to make those gun makers quake in their boots?

Maybe he’ll throw his teeth at them

Washington Examiner:

“A guy has 12 assault weapons with bump stocks, which means you can fire it faster. You can pull the trigger faster,” Biden said to a crowd during a CNN town hall. “Why in God’s name should anyone, anyone, anyone, anyone be able to own that? It’s just wrong, and we’ve got to — and I promise you, as president, I am going to get these guys.”

Because of the Constitution, Constitution, Constitution, Constitution. Nitwit.

Biden continued after the crowd applauded by reiterating his desire to curtail gun production in America while also acknowledging his goal of hindering the National Rifle Association’s efforts. “I want to let them know. I promise you. I’m the only guy that has beaten the gun manufacturers — I’m the only guy that has beaten the NRA nationally, and I did it twice, nationally. And gun manufacturers, I’m coming for you. Period.”

Biden, of course, didn’t beat anyone. He rode to the White House on Barack Obama’s back. As for beating the NRA, how many gun laws did Obama pass during his presidency and how many did Biden help become law? The NRA has power because the people of the United States have power. No major anti-gun legislation was passed in the eight years that Biden was beating the NRA and gun manufacturers.

Biden also took his gun control message to a meeting this week with anti-gun group Moms Demand Action in which he attacked fellow 2020 candidate Bernie Sanders on guns. “Too many Republicans and some Democrats, like Bernie Sanders, voted five times against the Brady bill that I was passing,” Biden said. “Five times against background checks and waiting periods.”

Biden also attacked Sanders on guns on social media, suggesting the Vermont senator is partially responsible for the power gun manufacturers currently have.

Biden voted for the Brady Bill. He’s lying when he claims credit for its passage. Whatever Sanders did in the past to get elected in Vermont — an anti-gun stance would have short-circuited his career — doesn’t hold now. He’s as rabidly anti-gun as any other Democrat.

Biden is out of money, out of time, and out of luck. If I were him, I’d start writing my political obituary.

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The real Secret of Oprah Winfrey‘s Success: She only/mainly hires WHITES!
Some weeks ago you will remember I posted a news item from the USA where people were remarking that Oprah lorded over whites. She said something about hiring only/mainly white people and now she orders them around

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