Australia: The Fake Christian (Conservative) and Zionist Jew Bernardi


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[These are comments from a reader in Australia who was chatting to someone else on my website about Bernardi who was on a video I posted a few days ago. Another reader asserted that 8 out of 10 Australian PM's had been Jews including "Bishop". I don't know Australian history well enough to comment, but if others have info, I'm interested. Jan]

The reader wrote:
That Cory Bernardi is a complete zionist. He loves jews. He also loves all the worst things about capitalism and the US Republican Party.

So Bernardi is a fake Christian and a jew! I used to support him thinking he was a "conservative". He fooled a lot of people who were abandoning the Liberal Party after Tony Abbot was dumped. Tony Abbot turned out to be not the person I thought he was anyway. Didn’t know that about Paul Murray. I met Paul Murray at a "meet the candidates" session of his show down at Port Adelaide. He was very friendly to us. He sat us at the front because we were dressed well and were intelligent, polite people. I liked him. After his support of the covid scamdemic, I was finished with him except to downvote his videos. Which Bishop do you mean – Bronwyn Bishop or Julie Bishop? I have a particular dislike of Julie Bishop.

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