Audio: Did Jewish Communism really collapse in 1989? – S.Africa, Bulgaria, Hungary, Russia
Video: Weird Evolution: Blacks with Ostrich Feet: THE VADOMA TRIBE FOUND IN NORTHERN ZIMBABWE KNOWN
These Blacks have the weirdest, creepiest feet. This is in former Rhodesia.
We discuss important events that affected South Africa as well as a Bulgaria and the Hungarians. In 1956 the Hungarians rebelled against the Soviet Union. It was a very brave rebellion by common white men. However the USA and Britain, as usual left white men to die at the hands of communists.
Georgi in Bulgaria and I chat about something that I came across many years ago when I was studying communism. There was a book called: “New Lies for Old” published in 1984 by a former Soviet KGB agent: Anatoliy Golitsyn. He had defected to the USA in the 1960s. He predicted that the Berlin Wall would collapse. He predicted that “communism would collapse” but that it was in fact a FAKE COLLAPSE.
I also mention that another Bulgarian friend of mine told me that one day someone came to the Dictator of Bulgaria and told him that communism would end. Who could ORDER the leader of Bulgaria to do this? And he had to. Clearly there is more to the fall of communism than we in the West have been told.
The Bulgarians were close friends and allies of the Russians and they can even read the Russian language and they can understand when the Russians are fooling the rest of the Western world. We discuss the Bulgarian experience and whether communism actually collapsed or whether in fact communists merely
During our wars in Africa, the Bulgarians at one point boasted that they gave the blacks fighting us 1 million AK47s.
We discuss important Bulgarian books that need to be translated into English, which reveal truths about Jews and communism which are not known in the Western world.
Books that need to be translated into English.
Video: Re-Release: Rhodesia: I was there - Alex Linder Interviewed Jan
Life in Africa during a Rebellion against Britain! Alex interviews Jan about his life growing up in Rhodesia during the Rhodesian Bush war which took place after Prime Minister Ian Smith declared UDI (Unilateral Declaration of Independence) from Britain in 1965.