AN EVIL JEWISH WORLD: Maine School Secretly Gender-Transitioned 13-Year-Old Girl
Video: Video: Something hillarious happened in Germany recently
I got some really funny film footage from Germany. I discuss how Germans are propagandized and vilified and sent on endless guilt trips to prove how wrong they are and how evil they supposedly were.
[This stuff is plain evil. The crazy things they're doing that will totally ruin the lives of young White kids. Jan]
When a 13-year-old girl said she actually was a boy, teachers at her Maine school started using male pronouns for her and a counselor gave her a breast binder to wear to create the appearance of a flatter chest.
No one told her mother.
Amber Lavigne said she discovered the device in her daughter’s bedroom. It was then that the child admitted a staff member at the Great Salt Bay Community School had given it to her, as well as changing the name and pronouns she used at school, Lavigne told her community’s school board members during a public meeting on Dec. 14.
The youngster was told to keep it a secret from her parents, which caused her increasing “stress, anxiety, and depression,” Lavigne told the school board of the Central Lincoln County School System (CLCSS) AOS 93. The district serves seven rural communities in mid-coast Maine.
“Utilizing these devices can cause serious side effects,” Lavigne told board members.
Studies suggest breast binders can cause back pain, shortness of breath, chest pain, skin problems, and rib fractures.
When Lavigne expressed concern to school officials for “this heinous act, they expressed grave concern,” she told board members.
Her daughter had turned 13 just a month before.
“She’s a minor child—my minor child!” the mother said, fighting tears throughout her three-minute opportunity to speak at the meeting. “And under no circumstances should she have been provided a chest binder without the knowledge of the parents.”
The school won’t release notes from meetings between the social worker and the child, Lavigne told board members.
A worker “at the school encouraged a student to keep a secret from their parents!” Lavigne said. “This is the very definition of child predatory sexual grooming. Predators work to gain a victim’s trust by driving a wedge between them and their parents.”
Voice quavering, Lavigne demanded that all employees with “knowledge of the secret be immediately terminated from their positions,” and “that our child’s records be released to us. Laws, policies, and parental trust were broken.”
A wedge was driven between the child and her parents, Lavigne continued.
“Consider for a moment if this was your child,” she said. “What would you do? No other parent should have to go through the trauma and distress that this has caused my family.”
Maine parental rights advocate Shawn McBreairty posted the video of Lavigne’s speech to Rumble.
Since the meeting, Lavigne has told The Epoch Times by text message that she plans to file a complaint with the Maine Human Rights Commission.
Lavigne and her lawyer declined to speak further with The Epoch Times, citing plans to file a lawsuit.
The Epoch Times reached out to the Great Salt Bay Community School, CLCSS AOS 93, and the school board members for comment. Calls and emails were not returned.
The social worker who worked with Lavigne’s child, Sam Roy, is a graduate student with a conditional state license to practice social work. In 2016, he served as a public relations officer for the “Wilde Stein: Queer Straight Alliance,” a University of Maine LGBT group.
The staffer who was coaching her daughter’s transition to living publicly as a boy wasn’t alone in the secret, Lavigne said. Other school officials also took part, she alleged, by hiding from her the child’s use of male pronouns at school.
After Lavigne’s story went public, the Great Salt Bay Community School removed its staff directory from its website, according to internet archive the Wayback Machine.
The school also posted a statement on its website, saying some individuals had spread “rumors and allegations” online to “try and divide our community.” The statement never said what issue it addressed.
The Great Salt Bay Community School Board’s statement also claimed it made decisions based on Maine law, but never specified what these decisions were.
“When administrators receive concerns from parents and/or students about potential issues in school, the Board has specific policies and procedures in place that must be followed when addressing those concerns. Those policies comply with Maine law, which protects the right of all students and staff, regardless of gender/gender identity, to have equal access to education, the supports and services available in our public schools, and the student’s right to privacy regardless of age,” the statement reads.
Maine lawmakers now are considering a state educational rule that would allow social workers and school counselors to keep secrets about children from parents.
Chapter 117 of Maine’s Department of Education guidelines would make conversations between school counseling staff and children confidential to parents. Chapter 117 is not yet law.
In November, parental rights activist Alvin Lui predicted to The Epoch Times that Maine could soon allow social workers to provide breast binders to students without parental consent.
What Lavigne says happened to her daughter shows how gender activists can influence children, Lui said. They may lie to parents to get children to commit to permanent body alteration. They may urge pronouns, then binders, then hormones, then surgery, he added.
“All they’re trying to do is to put you off as long as they can, so that it can move your child through the train,” Lui said.
Maine parental rights advocate Shawn McBreairty promoted a fundraiser for Lavigne’s case on Twitter. The GiveSendGo account has raised $1,241 of the $2,000 goal “to help Amber and her family with her initial legal retainer,” he told his audience on Twitter.
In another post, McBreairty noted that six of Maine’s most influential news outlets didn’t cover the school’s attempt to transition the child without the mother’s knowledge.
That’s how “you know the sexual grooming is real,” he said.
In a written interview with The Epoch Times, McBreairty said he expects Maine’s government to draw out Lavigne’s case to make it expensive.
“If Ms. Lavigne and her legal team decide on what legal grounds they could sue the school, I would think, in a morally sound and legitimate legal system, they would easily win,” he wrote.
The case could be a turning point for the United States, as parents realize public schools are “irreparably broken,” McBreairty said. He touts school choice as a solution.
America’s public schools now want to “separate the minor child from their parents,” he said. If students go there, they run the risk of getting indoctrinated into radical gender beliefs, he warned. He said parents must either “fight like hell” to recapture schools, or remove their children before it’s too late.
What happened to Lavigne’s daughter easily could happen elsewhere in the state, he added.
Licensed clinical social worker Christopher McLaughlin was elected for a three-year term that began in July to serve on the Hermon School Committee in Maine. He has publicly said he won’t warn parents about children questioning their gender identity or sexual orientation. He added that even if a child might be in danger because of the behavior they exhibit in their new gender identity, he would never tell parents.
McLaughlin also works as an adjunct faculty member at the University of Maine in Orono and at Husson University in Bangor, Maine.
“It is not ever my role, regardless of where I am practicing, to out that kid to their parent, even if there are safety issues present,” McLaughlin said in a Zoom meeting McBreairty uploaded to Rumble.
McLaughlin leads the Maine chapter of the National Association of Social Workers.
“If it can happen in little Damariscotta, Maine, a town of some 2,500, where the school board is dominated by Democrats, it can happen anywhere,” McBreairty wrote to The Epoch Times. “When will you take your children’s education as seriously as their lives?”
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