ALL White Americans have been FOOLED BY JEWS AND LIBERALS – Chinese Bitch Mayor in the USA


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Video: SAs Whites Worst Enemies: Jews & President Ramaphosa Did a Black man convert to Ju
About ten or so years ago, my best Jewish friend one day told me that a very important black man has converted to Judaism but he refused to tell me the black mans name. This topic came up more than once, and he repeated this. Each time I asked him for the black mans name but he refused to give it to me. In this video, we look very closely at the extremely, uncomfortably close relationship between the President of South Africa and the Chief Rabbi of South Africa, the top Jew, in charge of the Jews.

[This is a note I sent to someone on social media. They posted a story about some Chinese bitch who is a mayor in America and she had a party and she discriminated against Whites. Jan]

I wrote this:
You Americans have been fooled into promoting Blacks and Chinese and Jews and all sorts of assorted shit to high levels. That’s just a con. Promote Whites only. America was created BY WHITES and only WHITES actually own it. Don’t listen to the Jew crap. We have different races here in South Africa. They’re all pretty worthless. When the Whites go down, everything goes down. You’re on the same path.

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Video: DWUMS: Defenseless White Urban Males & Learned White Helplessness
I discuss Whites who are out of their depth and helpless when they realise with horror the truth about Liberalism and Capitalism. I also talk about how Whites are caught up in fake problems that are the result of having so many moral factors that they need to take into account. Even here in South Africa we have helpless urban Whites who get flustered over nothing.

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