Alex Jones: An Excellent Shill & Liar for the Jews – His deflections on the CIA – My Analysis
White Shop: Beautiful Third Reich Coasters: Reich Family Coaster & 24 other variants
The above photo is of the beautiful Reich Family Coaster. However there are a lot of different coasters. Here is the list of the 24 different types of Coasters ...
I was watching an interview that Alex Jones.
I watched in fascination as he has a pretty good person he was interviewing him who was telling him a story, that looked like it was nailing the Jews. Then suddenly, Alex Jones, turns on a dime, and I think he was quoting some “very reliable” Jewess in the USA and the next thing you know … he totally demolishes what his guest was saying and the next thing is, Jones is busy BLAMING IT ALL ON THE CIA!
It was a beautiful DEFLECTION AWAY FROM JEWS and whacking the CIA based on some nonsense book written by a Jewess.
As much as the US Govt and the CIA has its weaknesses, the fact remains that I was convinced this was a very unfair strike at the Govt itself.
I would urge people to be careful of buying too much into “The Govt/CIA is your enemy” because the real enemy are the JEWS. But the Jews deflect a lot of their nonsense away and the Govt/CIA/Military takes hits that are not always right.
It seems to me this is a critical game for Alex Jones … someone for whom I don’t have one ounce of respect actually.
Video: S.Africa: When Blacks killed Whites in Church St James Church massacre
Here is some history they try to keep away from white people in America and Europe. They will never tell you about the day blacks came with AK47s and threw hand-grenades among whites in a packed church in South Africa.