Aida Parker mentions: The Rothschild Jews & the assassination of the Swedish Prime Minister: Olof Palme


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Video: More scientific proof that IQ is in hereditary - Jews lie for their Survival
I look at recent scientific evidence to see what scientists know about IQ. The Liberals/Jews and other scum like to pretend that IQ is NOT hereditary. They try by any means to misdirect whites away from this direction. But what does Science say exactly? Scientists have suspected for long that IQ is mainly hereditary. But if you believe things are hereditary, then you‘re heading down the path of ‘Scientific Racism‘ which is something Liberal/Jews do NOT like!

In issue 200 of the Aida Parker Report, which I published HERE is well worth reading, especially lower down where she begins mentioning Europe and quotes from events in Europe and elsewhere. I think in this day with our current networks we might be able to dig a lot more into some of the things she mentions.

Here is a rare excerpt where she actually mentions the Jews without of course mentioning that they are Jews.

She wrote:


Reports at the time claimed that Palme was having an affair with British/American millionairess Emma Rothschild and that it could have been through this that his movements were monitored. One police theory was that the assassin and his back-up could have gained knowledge about Palme’s movements by tapping her phone.

One report claimed that Swedish detectives were seeking to interview Emma Rothschild when they received instructions from high places not to pursue this line of enquiry. Palme’s alleged affair with Emma Rothschild was, according to political sources, “a public secret” in Stockholm, in government, diplomatic and media circles.

Ten months after the killing, at least 12 top detectives investigating the case resigned. According to a Swedish intelligence source, police claimed “political pressure” was being exerted, to block progress of the investigations. The Swedish government, it was claimed, was “terrified” of the international consequences should the police name the assassin and “reveal the forces behind him.”


I’m not sure what to make of her statements.

My analysis of the Jews is that the when the Jews need to cover their tracks they throw up a smoke screen of lies and dead ends so that people go in all directions except the right one.

What I do recall is the claim that South Africans killed Palme. I was under the impression that Craig Williamson actually admitted this, but I cannot find any reference to this. It seems the South Africans were accused but in fact Swedish police never took this further.

What I am wondering is whether (((they))) had a hand in killing him and blaming the white South Africans for it.

On Wikipedia it say this about the killing of Palme:
On 21 February 1986, Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme addressed the Swedish People’s Parliament against apartheid in Stockholm. A week later, Palme was shot and killed after attending the cinema with his wife. The subsequent Stockholm Police investigation into the murder was criticised for its lassitude and incompetence for not quickly solving the crime. Five days after Palme’s murder, Swedish author and journalist Per Wästberg reported twice to the Swedish police that apartheid South Africa must have been involved, but no action was taken by the police. Ten years later, Williamson was named in a South African court for Palme’s murder, as were three others: Anthony White, Roy Allen and Bertil Wedin.[13] However, no South Africans were ever charged with the Palme assassination (nor was anyone else, save for Christer Pettersson, who was convicted, then acquitted on appeal).

You can read more about Craig Williamson HERE in a story by The Citizen and HERE on Wikipedia.

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