Video & Audio: A Russian Prediction of 911 a few weeks before it happened


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Best Independent Website that monitors Russian Tank losses in Ukraine War
Oryx is a brilliant independent Dutch website that monitors lots of military losses including the losses of Russian and Ukrainian tanks. They ONLY count vehicles that they can get photos of and can prove that these are the correct vehicles that were destroyed. This link will take you to see the verified Russian tank losses and you can click to see the photos.

Right-Click here to download the Video

Right-Click here to download the Audio

Below are articles from the AfricanCrisis archive that I mention in the video, along with the links to them:

Russia Projects a Middle East war withing 6 months –

Russia knew a Financial attack was going to happen –

9/11 & Putin’s strange warning BEFOREHAND –

Pravda: World War III by 2015 –

World War III has already begun, says Israeli spy chief –

This video was recorded on: 2023-08-06.

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This is the Contact us page for the Boere State Party.

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