A large number of banned youtube channels have been archived here

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[I received this. We must archive and save as much stuff as we can find. I'm downloading and saving things all the time. Jan]

A useful link – A large number of banned JewTube channels have been archived here: https://www.altcensored.com/channel/deleted

The list is quite comprehensive and a lot of the videos the banned channels had (sometimes all) are there.

The list is not in order of importance, David Icke is on page one right now because his deletion was recent, tru news is on page 31 right now, Red Ice is on page 7 etc, there are approximately 750 banned channels there now. Some have a few videos preserved, some (like Brother Nathaniel) have all. It says when the channel was created on Youtube, when it was banned and when it was archived.

Who did this? This needed huge funding. Maybe Trump?

I do not know if those who got deleted can post new videos to this, or if it is going to just be a cache of what was. But if they CAN post new videos to this, it is GAME ON.

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