UK: Is Tommy Robinson a Jew?
3 South African cities now rank among the 20 most violent in the world
This is an international report that was published recently. At this source link you‘ll see some interesting charts and statistics. South Africa was never like this under Apartheid.
[On the social media someone sent me this photo of Tommy Robinson saying that he’s not only a Jew, but also giving his name! This would be very interesting to check up on! If he’s a real Jew that would suck. But that would also explain why he got the big publicity he did. The Jews would have given the signal to their media people that this story must be given priority.
This type of thing fools whites. Jews manipulate things in such a way that to us it seems like a natural occurrence, when in fact they are pulling the strings. Whites have let Jews become so used to us, that they know all the ways of fooling and manipulating us, and its killing us. Jan]
My supporter who gave me this also wrote: Robinson’s real name is Yaxley-Lennon, a Jew commie…just FYI..
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