White Americans are getting ANGRY: They All Need To Be Hung — LIVE — On The Internet ! ! ! – My Comments


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Low IQ & Bad Schools: South Africa: 18 schools get zero matric pass rate
Pretoria No pupils passed the 2010 matric exams at 18 schools, according to figures released by the basic education department on Thursday.

[White Americans are talking and saying ever wilder things, like this. This is about the election fraud and what should be happening to the traitors. The punishment for traitors throughout our European history has been execution. Traitors and spies are always executed. Interestingly, the execution for the upper classes has always been beheading – in modern Christian centuries whereas hanging is for common people. But in American tradition, there is no tradition of beheading – that was European. Anyhow, people are getting wilder and sicker of this nonsense. It's good. The revolutions are coming. Jan]

U.S. Congress Had Better Overturn
the Stolen Election on January 6th

Here’s why!

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White Shop: Rhodesia is Super T-Shirt
In the 1970s Rhodesia came up with this logo with this cute little elephant. There were LOTS of elephants in Rhodesia and the Whites were proud of that. The classic elephant and flag logo used by the Rhodesian Tourism authority in the 1970s and 1980s to promote tourism to that country.

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