Ways to buy Bitcoin in Australia…

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Video: What Adolf Hitler said about the Boers
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Just some notes from my own research on how Australians can buy bitcoin:

I was doing a quick look at ways you can get bitcoin in Australia. Here is a nice article with 5 options: https://www.bitpremier.com/buy-bitcoins/australia

NB: I see they mention Coinbase which is in the USA. As a South African I cannot use coinbase, but it seems to me that as an Australian you might be able to, in which case I’d suggest to you that it could be excellent. It is the No 1 crypto website, so if you can, that is a very solid option.

Then there are a number of other places in Australia where you can get bitcoins. The only thing I would suggest you do NOT do is buy "local bitcoins". I think that is much trickier. But otherwise it looks good.

I see in Australia you can even buy bitcoins at the post office.

Here’s info on how easy it is to get bitcoin at the Australian post office: https://buy.bitcoin.com.au/

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