Video: US: Black shoots 13 year old White girl dead – Another lost White life…


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Get a Free PDF Book: The Naked Communist (1958)
This is a classic book. Cleon Skousen worked for the FBI. At a point in his life he began following the trail of communism in America. To his utter horror, he discovered that it led to businessmen and the wealthy.

[One of the readers on the site sent me this sad story. My understanding is that a Black guy seems to have shot her, and he shot her deliberately multiple times. So whether this is someone she went to school with, I don't know. My understanding from the reader was that it's known her killer was a Black guy. Slowly … America turns into South Africa. The key thing to remember is that a lot of Whites will still die before people wake up. I find it very sad when young White girls or White women are killed needlessly like this. It is yet another life that has been lost – and it did not have to be that way. Jan]

One day after 13-year-old Lucia Bremer was shot and killed along Hickoryridge Road in the Gayton Forest West subdivision, a person has been taken into custody, Crime Insider sources told Jon Burkett. A CBS 6 news crew was there Saturday afternoon as Henrico Police searched a home along Falconbridge Drive, near the shooting scene, in Henrico’s West End.

Here’s the video:

Here’s another story where they say she was shot multiple times:

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What Jews say: Why ALL Whites must DIE! The INTENSE Jewish HATRED of the White Race
Here are various quotes from Jews showing their intense hatred of Whites everywhere. Take special note of Jewish academics like Susan Sontag and Professor Ignatiev and what they say about our race. There are lots of quotes from many famous Jews about the need to destroy the European people.

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