Video: Hitler: A different kind of German

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Video: Black African Creativity Vs White American Creativity: Back Yard Inventions
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Today, 20th April 2017, we celebrate Hitler’s 128th birthday. I discuss the fact that Hitler was different to other Germans and he had a different background coming from the Austro-Hungarian Empire where Germans were a minority making up only 10% of the population and where the government was very anti-German. This energised Hitler in Germany. I also compare Hitler as a “superman” (Ubermensch) to the descriptions of Nietzsche who spoke of what an Ubermensch would really be like. The enemies of Hitler say that Nietzsche would have disapproved of Hitler as an Ubermensch. I totally disagree. NAZISM is not the past. It is the future, for all whites.

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2004: S.Africa: 50,000 School Leavers expected to Fake Matric Certificates
Blacks falsify their Matric results! Why Black school leavers are expected to try to falsify their matric certificates.

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