Video: FANTASTIC NEWS: U.S. Army lowers fitness standards, allows cadets to have kids while at West Point! – My Comments


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Video: Human Evolution: What are Jews and why they are VERY DANGEROUS!
We take a scientific look at Jews. I compare their behaviour to that of parasites that live on animals. I look at the behaviour of Whites and Jews in the same was that we would study the behaviour of animals, and we look at actual film footage.

Wonderful! Wonderful Jewish crap! Let them make more changes like this.

This is going to make it so much easier to the WHITE MALES to DEFEAT the US Army and to throw the garbage out of power one day!

Bring on Liberalism! I love it!

Here’s the video:

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2005: After White Farmers chased out: A Few White Farmers make Zambia BOOM!!
After Mugabe chased thousands of White farmers away, a few hundred went to other countries including Zambia. Those White farmers made entire countries BOOM!

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