S.Africa: Black illegally connect & steal electricity on a massive scale: Illegal connections short circuit Eskom


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Video: JEWS106: Jewish Complexity: Source of their BEST LIES!
This is a very important video I did. I have been wanting to tackle the topic of Jewish complexity for a long time, because I have noticed that some of the best Jewish Lies come from a bogus complexity that Jews introduce into everything.

[Black Government is inept and fcked up. Blacks are themselves fcked up in their own society. These people ALWAYS have SERIOUS problems. ALWAYS! They can never solve their own problems. Whites gave them the most peace they ever had in their worthless lives. Whites saved them. We never should have helped these people. We destroyed ourselves. Jan]

Eskom says the illegal connections are leading to prolonged power cuts. The utility says the money could have been better used to maintain power plants instead.

Mashangu Xivambu said,"we didn’t connect illegally.

"We’ve been living here for more than 5 years. These companies know that we don’t have electricity." "I’ve been to the Department of Housing to complain that we don’t have power."

"They only come here when they are campaigning for votes, but we don’t have electricity."

Source: https://headtopics.com/za/restore-the-power-grid-illegal-connections-short-circuit-eskom-40242548

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Alex Linder‘s Pieville - His personal Twitter-like Social Media
Alex Linder was thrown off Gab, and he created his own Gab/Twitter website. It‘s called PieVille. You can follow him there. Jan is also there. Just search for: @AlexLinder or @[email protected] or @historyreviewed

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