Ouch! Here we go? – Inflation: Most Americans Are Concerned, Expect Grocery Prices to Keep Rising


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Cartoon: From a Boer: White Liberal and the Black Jewish President Ramaphosa in LOVE
This guy does good cartoons. In this one he mocks the Jewish political party the DA and it teaming up with the ANC after the recent elections. Jan

[This is not good news. But like all things, we need to navigate ourselves through the filthy, disgusting Jewish minefield. I am concerned that the US dollar is tanking. It's very weird. And if that is so, it is BAD NEWS … it means German Weirmar republic time is here. Jan]

Concerns about inflation are widespread, as Americans see higher prices for groceries and expect even higher prices in the future.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 76% of American Adults are at least Somewhat Concerned about inflation, including 45% who are Very Concerned. Fourteen percent (14%) are Not Very Concerned about inflation and just two percent (2%) say they’re Not At All Concerned.

Source: https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/business/general_business/may_2021/inflation_most_americans_are_concerned_expect_grocery_prices_to_keep_rising?utm_campaign=RR05122021DN&utm_source=criticalimpact&utm_medium=email

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S.Africa: 3 Blacks die after raping a crocodile on the instructions of a WitchDoctor!
I found this story doing the rounds on the social media among whites. I dug into it. The original source for this is zwnews.com. Zwnews.com used to be one of the best and most reliable Zimbabwe news websites for years.

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