NEWS BLACKOUT: 70,000 Whites murdered in South Africa after the end of Apartheid


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2005: S.Africa: Soweto: Did Black school boys keep dogs for sex?
This was a Mass Media news story about 4 Black boys who kept 12 dogs for sex. In this article you‘ll also see Blacks having sex with goats and sheep.

[Alfred Schaefer in Germany found this article which was posted on Jeff Rense’s site a year ago. This is pretty much true, and perhaps the real number is actually higher by now. I have heard people mention a number in the 80,000s of the number of whites killed in SA since the end of Apartheid. Most of these are NOT FARMERS. We don’t have that many farmers. We used to have about 60,000-65,000 white farmers in South Africa. That number is now down to 30,000. But that’s NOT due to murder. They left the industry or the country. The actual number of farmers killed is much smaller than the total number of murders. Perhaps only 5% of the total deaths are of farmers. Instead, out of the 4.2 million whites, we’ve had lots of murders of whites in general almost exclusively by non-whites, especially blacks.

Note, it is correct that torture and all kinds of brutality is part of the murder process. Some whites, especially women, are terribly tortured. The South African Police and Govt ignore all these things. They say that Farm murders don’t even exist! And they of course deny that whites in general are murdered with great brutality.

The number of whites killed AFTER Apartheid by blacks EXCEEDS the number of blacks killed by whites during 48 years of Apartheid. That number is in the order of 20,000 blacks killed – mostly during revolution and war.

My view is that the blacks of South Africa under the ANC had it as their goal to NOT stop the war on the whites after Apartheid. The war has not stopped. It continues to this day and is disguised as “murder”.

Note: The Liberals and Jews are constantly downplaying the murder of whites in South Africa. Being the race traitors that they are, they are always defending the blacks. It is true that the world’s mass media of the (((elite))) and Jews ignores all this. Jan]

70,000 Horrific Murders Of SA White
Farmers And Families By Rape And Torture
Since Apartheid Ended – News Blackout

By David Kraft

I came across a story on South Africa that so flew in the face of everything I thought I knew, I had to dig deeper because the story was so riveting. I spent a few weeks reading every story I could find and listening to what the ruling ANC Government and their rivals were doing and saying. Shocking is the best way to describe it. Things like “I am not calling for the slaughter of Whites, not for now” the EFF Party Leader Julius Malema said to a large crowd gathered. You can find the video easily on Youtube.

One of Julius’s tribe described what that meant in his cultural parlance is ‘get in the starting blocks and wait for the gun to sound’ and/or ‘I won’t stop you if you jump the gun’. Malema has been filmed leading the singing of ‘Shoot the Boer, Kill the Farmer’ to his followers. A rash of savage Farmer murders happened not long after that. Then I watched The South African President Zuma also lead a huge gathering in singing ‘Shoot the Farmer’ I could reach only one conclusion: White Genocide in South Africa is happening, is government supported and is in the final stages of a long process. More than a quarter of the Afrikaaner population now lives in squalor; dirt floor tin shacks with no plumbing or electricity. Concentration camps that need no guards or walls, it’s an economic prison you can’t escape from.

Over 70,000 Afrikaners have been murdered since power was handed over to Nelson Mandela in 1994. That in no way minimizes the three or four hundred thousand Black people murdered since the ANC came into being. Most people think of Genocide as a mass extermination event of a targeted ethnic group in a short amount of time. That is just the second to last phase before denial and cover up, according the Dr. Gregory Stanton of Genocide Watch dot com. He has dedicated his life to warning the World while there’s still time. Stanton pegs the South African situation at near redline for a mass murder event of the White Population.

Spend the next few weeks reading about the brutal Farmer murders, rapes and torture for hours or days and then try to deny it’s happening for real. Often nothing is stolen from the terrorized Farmers. A large majority of Farmer murders in South Africa were NOT committed by strangers, but often by current or former employees of the Farmer. Or people associated with the employees. EFF’s Julius Malema publicly stated that as soon as most of the Afrikaner’s farm land is given to the Government, the attacks will stop. This is an undeniable direct link between a Political Party Leader and savage, brutal and unspeakable horror unleashed on peaceful Famers that have been there for 365 years. The Mayflower landing in America 32 years prior to the Africaaner’s arrival in Cape Town gives a perspective of how long the Whites have lived in South Africa.

The Afrikaners didn’t steal anyone’s land in stark contrast to what American settlers did to the Natives and what happened to the Aborigines in Oz. No Blacks were indigenous to South Africa except for a small tribe of light brown Bushmen related to the Kalahari as portrayed in the funny film “The Gods Must be Crazy”. There was plenty of room for everyone. The real savage invaders of South Africa are tribes like the Zulu, not to mention the English.

The Blacks weren’t seen until 150 years AFTER the Afrikaners landed in Cape Town. They aren’t Farmers, they are conquerors who kill all the men of a rival tribe and enslave the women and children. The Zulus live off the land until it is burnt out and then they go kill and plunder somewhere new. That’s how they got to South Africa. This violent tribe of Barbarians are now in charge of South Africa. That idylic Rainbow Race Nation that the World pictures is a savage lie. There was an old video of Nelson Mandela on the news that portrayed him as a man of peace and reconciliation. The entire unedited version of the video has been posted on Youtube that paints a completely different picture. The original News broadcast cut out the part of Nelson leading the singing of ‘Shoot the Farmer’. It showed what liars the network News were back then and nothing has changed.

Traditional Farming is not in the Zulus’ “DNA” and the White Afrikaners produce nearly all the food. None-the-less the Zulus have been systematically genociding the White Farmers to the absolute ruin of the country. Their leaders advocate it publicly. It’s not a theory, it’s happening now and it is similar to the process of other African Genocides like Rwanda and Zimbabwe. The process started long ago with over 3,000 White Afrikaner Farmers murdered in 23 years since the ANC took power. An estimated 70,000 total Whites have been murdered by Blacks along with perhaps 400,000 Blacks murdered mostly by other Blacks.

The reason no one knows for sure is they stopped releasing murder victims’ race because that would be racist. Not including the Afrikaners, there’s nine major tribes with no love between them. Their only unifying construct is their mutual hatred of the White Afrikaners. The radical Affirmative Action hiring policies of the ANC have shut Whites out of the work force so effectively that there’s 80 Afrikaners’ squater camps with 400,000 White people living in horrific squalor. The ANC didn’t lift the Blacks out of poverty near as effectively as they dragged many formerly prosperous Whites down to living on former garbage dumps – in dirt floor tin shacks with no sewage treatment or running water.

After the Genocide of Afrikaner Farmers is complete, you will see mass starvation like Africa has never seen. The reason is simple, the Zulus and other Black Tribes are not farmers by nature. Their hatred of Whites runs so deep that men born long after Apartheid ended are taking brutal revenge on people that had nothing to do with Apartheid Government. Farmers are being murdered in unspeakable ways. Tortured with hot clothes irons, raped with broken bottles or simply beaten to death with iron bars. One women was killed with a large cruzifix shoved down her throat. Often bibles are placed on the dead. One Farmer was dragged behind his own truck on a rocky dirt road until he became unrecognizable.

It’s statistically more dangerous to be a White Farmer in South Africa than a frontline line American combat soldier in the the Middle East. Who could ever imagine farming being more dangerous than soldiering?

August 3rd, 2017 has been given as a deadline for the Whites to walk away from their farms with no compensation. The ones inclined to leave have already left. The remaining White Farmers can’t go anywhere. Their currency the Rand has lost three quarters of it’s dollar exchange rate value in 23 years since the ANC took over. Suggesting all South African Whites should just go back to Europe would be like expecting everyone in Iowa and Wyoming to pack their bags for an overseas move to a foreign country. It’s a ludicriss idea. Most Afrikaners do not have the means to leave even if they wanted to. With the 13 to 1 Rand to Dollar exchange rate, relocation is cost prohibitive to average Afrikaners and visas to travel are extremely difficult to come by. Why is that?

The Zulus would rather have the pleasure of killing all the White Farmers one family at a time, verses allowing them to emigrate. Not exactly the Rainbow Race Utopia you imagined – is it? The ANC Gov’t confiscated an estimated 40% of all legally owned guns during their reign. Most of these confiscated guns have vanished. How? Large scale “thefts” of firearms are common. Police stations have been known to deal in confiscated guns even renting guns by the day. Cops are almost as likely to commit a crime themselves as the general public. One cop showing up at the scene of a rape asked ‘if she enjoyed it?’ If it’s 2am, somewhere in South Africa a family is being raped, tortured and killed.

The torture could last hours or days and sometimes they leave the husband alive so he can relive the horror for the rest of his life. HIV is so prevalent in South Africa, getting raped could be a death sentence. Many Black People in South Africa still believe in Witch Doctors. Their folklore includes a novel cure for AIDS; raping a virgin – a white one preferably. And this is the truly barbaric part: This means children and babies are prime targets. Yikes! South Africa leads the World in percapita rapes and murders; this is the ANC’s legacy. It’s not pretty. When I posted this, my old friend from High School Rob commented “this has been debunked”. What better way to turn your back? Do your own research with fresh eyes and reach your own conclusion. This story has been hidden by omission on the News. You have to dig deeper like I did.

One of the alarming trends in the United States after our last election is blocking roads and calling it a protest. I classify blocking roads as an act of war on individual safety and security in traveling unmolested. I put police checkpoints and TSA grope downs in the US in the same category. People trapped in road blocks are sitting ducks for ruthless thugs. There was one famous case in the US of a trucker being dragged from his tractor trailer and savagely beaten to a pulp. Blocking roads with burning buses is a common tactic of Black South Africans to protest the lack of “service delivery” from the government. So called “Protest” Road Blocks in America should be dealt with by overwhelming force.

In many areas of South Africa, motorists don’t stop for traffic signals unless they must to avoid a collision. This is done to avoid being carjacked. If you get a South African Cop on your tail and he tries to pull you over, the best thing to do is drive to a Police Station if you know where it is and it’s close. The guy behind you with a flashing light might not be a real policeman. Even if he is, expect to pay a “fine” on the spot, or something much worse could happen to you. “Protecting and Serving” as a police motto, that’s laughable in South Africa and a growing trend in America. TIA… This is Africa.


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2006: S.Africa: Shocker: 300,000 died from AIDS last year
Blacks in Africa hate talking about AIDS and they hide it. This was a good news report I managed to find years ago. Nowadays, you don‘t see anything like this being published.

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