Killing White Canadians: Genocide on the Installment Plan: Trudeau’s Immigration Policy — Paul Fromm


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A VERY comprehensive, detailed list of Jewish power Everything the Jews control in the USA
This is the most comprehensive and detailed list (with breakdowns and percentages) of Jewish power that Ive yet seen. This is stunning.

[This is from Paul Fromm in Canada. The Jews are at work. They've befuddled the minds of the elite. Now the elite are crazy and they have weird ideas. This is linked to Professor Quigley. The elite are scum. They believe in nonsense. We will discuss this more in videos. Jan]

The deliberate, planned replacement of Canada’s European founding/settler people

Paul Fromm is the Director of the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee.

You can contact him at

paul .

See the Paul Fromm playlist of videos at:

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2005: Blacks: S.Africa: Ritual Circumcision Likely Contributing to HIV Spread
Some Black tribes engage in ritual circumcision. (Sometimes the Black boys even die!!). It turns out that another side effect was spreading AIDS!

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