IMPORTANT: Did the Jews murder Renegade’s Nick Spero aka Circus Maximus? – 2nd suspicious Renegade death in a year?


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This came as a shock to me. I had some contact with Nick Spero and his sudden death is suspicious. Renegade ran a story on his sudden and very unexpected death. Kyle Hunt wrote:

On March 11th we learned that former Renegade Broadcasting host Nick Spero died of cardiac arrest after being admitted to the ICU for pneumonia. This follows the untimely death (alleged suicide) of Paul Hickman last year. While there is speculation of foul play with Nick’s death, right now we only know that Nick had been healthy and was taken away from us very suddenly.

Nick did a great deal of damage to the jewish power structure with his well-researched and insightful shows, especially exposing right-wing controlled opposition. He will be greatly missed.

The above is rather strange, The man was healthy and relatively young, only 43. Here is what his family wrote on his funeral page:

Nick’s life was taken tragically at the young age of 43. After a simple flu developed into pneumonia and landed him in the ICU, Nick’s lungs and kidneys began to fail. Nick, my dad, suffered an unexpected cardiac arrest and is no longer with us. Due to the traumatic nature of these events, our family is not financially prepared for the costs of a funeral.

The suggestion from Kyle Hunt seems to be that this is the 2nd strange Renegade death in a year. I can’t comment on the circumstances of the previous death. But Nick’s death strikes me as suspicious.

Here are my experiences with people who had pneumonia. My oldest sister was deeply Christian and an annorexic to boot which ruined her entire life and that of her children, etc. My sister died at the mere age of 56. Due to her stupid annorexia her health was dreadful. She had a happened to get pneumonia several times during her life. Sometimes the pneumonia she experienced was very bad. But as dreadful as her health was, she survived it again and again.

My mother got pneumonia at the age of 87. She died from a stroke caused by a blood clot which was because the blacks did not exercise her properly while she was in hospital. I was extremely angry over my Mom’s death and had an autopsy and there is no question that my Mom’s death was due to the negligence of the blacks. I even went to see the hospital management about it and tried to find ways of suing them. But in the end gave up on it.

Returning to the pneumonia, my mother had actually survived the pneumonia even though she had it quite badly. She died several days after she had been released from the hospital and the pneumonia was already totally gone.

What strikes me as extremely strange in the case of Nick’s death is how his body began shutting down. I would be most interested in knowing more about his final illness. Pneumonia is really about phlegm that gets infected. I hope that Kyle and his team investigate Nick’s death and publish anything that they find suspicious or are not happy with. If any of our people, especially our best and active people who are fighting the Jews die we must look closely at the circumstances. Jews in medicine and food are not to be trusted. An old Nazi friend of mine in Canada told me years ago about the danger of Jews as doctors and in medicine.

Jews don’t always operate on planning. They might simply be opportunistic and they might take advantage of something.

I have had discussions with people about the strange sudden cancer and death of Dr William Pierce, which definitely suggest poisoning. I have mentioned in my videos that George Lincoln Rockwell must have been assassinated by a professional assassin sent by the Jews and not by Pattler as the “official” lie goes. I have spoken to people who testified at his trial.

I think it is critically important in this age of the Internet to see if the Jews are actually killing online activists. The death of Dr Pierce seems to me to be cause for investigation as well. I’ve never heard of anyone whose taken it further. Whenever we suspect the Jews have harmed or killed any of our people we should investigate as much as we can and then PUBLISH IN PUBLIC OUR OWN FINDINGS (regardless of what the authorities say).

I’ve done some videos on assassinations by the Jews and need to get to the main one I want to discuss. You will see the clear hand of “Jewish medicine” involved in actually driving a high level assassination.

I came to know of Nick Spero on Twitter where he operated under the name of Circus Maximus. I was EXTREMELY IMPRESSED with his writings and his insights. I did not know that he was working on the Renegade Team. He later approached me and we did one of the best interviews I’ve ever had the pleasure of participating in, regarding my series THE GREAT JEWISH MASK. I had a high level of respect for Nick. There is no doubt that Nick was one of our foremost Internet warriors. I think his death should be looked into.

I raised the issue with Dion Wehrwolf of Radio Wehrwolf. This was his reply to me:-

Hello Jan

I heard about this on Sunday. Very strange. Not sure what exactly happened, but I’d be very interested to find out. It said he died of cardiac arrest after being admitted to the ICU for pneumonia. Seems very suspicious to me. He was too young for these type of complications to occur. ….


So both Dion and I are very suspicious.

Just yesterday I came across something shocking. It seems to me that the Jews are capable of sterilizing women by the million using food and they’ve actually done it in one of the countries that is an enemy of Israel. Its a topic I’ll get back to. The Jews cannot be trusted with either medicine or food. Get away from them whenever you can. When I awoke to the Jewish problem I got rid of every Jew I was dealing with, including my Jewish doctor.

Here is the link to the page where you can donate to Nick’s funeral and where you can read more about him:

Here is the article Kyle Hunt wrote:


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