EXCELLENT: Italy to reward couples who have a 3rd baby with LAND!


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[It is awesome to see the Italians trying to reward couples who have a 3rd child. It is my suspicion that a low birth rate is an indirect measure of the mental misery of whites generally. The low birth rate among ALL WHITES ACROSS THE PLANET, EVEN IN RUSSIA, may be a symptom of a much deeper emotional unhappiness that has settled down upon our race, from the effects of Jewish communism, Jewish liberalism and general Jewish media hatred of whites as well as their spreading of cultural marxism. I suspect that deep down, most whites feel a certain discomfort and it can be seen across our race, across continents.

I think our race is dying as a direct consequence of ever growing, malicious Jewish power.

Europe used to have a high birthrate. There were so many children that they needed to leave Europe to expand elsewhere. Why has that stopped?

We need to get our race back and growing. I’m liking this initiative by the Italians. I hope we see more racial rewards like this. This is somewhat similar to the beautiful family-friendly policies of Hitler. 14/88. Jan]

Italy’s populist government wants to reward parents who have a third child with the offer of free farmland, in a new plan aimed at reviving the country’s low birth rate.

The children-for-land incentive, inserted into Italy’s latest draft budget, aims to give parcels of state-held agricultural land for 20 years to parents who give birth to a third child between 2019 and 2021.

Families also would be eligible for zero-interest loans for up to €200,000 (£175,000) if they opt to buy their first home near their newly acquired land.

“They say that Italians have few children and that something is needed to turn the trend around,” said Gian Marco Centinaio, the agriculture minister.

“That’s why the ministry wants to contribute, favouring rural areas in particular, where people still have children,” he told the media.

Foreigners interested in the offer would need to have been resident in Italy for at least 10 years.

Left-leaning newspaper il Fatto Quotidiano described the initiative as “a little bit ‘Gone with the Wind’ while at the same time something romantically Soviet.”

It is just one of several controversial measures in the latest draft of the budget being negotiated by Italy’s government, which has vowed to push ahead with expansive plans despite warnings from the European Commission to reduce deficit spending.

The idea is being pushed ahead by the families and agriculture ministers, both members of the far-Right League party. Italy has the lowest birthrate in Europe, with some 464,000 births registered last year, a record low.

Lorenzo Fontana, the families minister, said the land offer would be limited to married couples, rather than those in civil unions. Political commentators said that would not be easy, as the law provides civil unions with most of the same rights as marriage.

The Italian state owns half a million hectares of agricultural land worth €9.9 billion, according to Coldiretti, agricultural lobby association, but critics warned it was mostly unwanted parcels that councils were keen to unload.

Commentators also questioned whether the €20 million set aside for the programme until 2020 could be better spent on addressing the rising cost of child care in Italy and helping mothers return to work.

Yesterday the phrases  #terragratis (free land) and #terzofiglio (third child) began trending on social media in Italy, with users speculating about the possible rewards for a fourth or fifth child.

“There’s an extra bonus of €500 if it is boy, and double if he is named Matteo or Luigi,” joked one Twitter user.

Source: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/10/31/italys-populist-government-plans-reward-fertile-families-state/

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