Attention: New Comments systems installed on HistoryReviewed, AfricanCrisis & White-shop


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Video: Why White Men have been losing Wars since WW2
For a very long time Ive pondered why White men have lost so many of these racial conflicts since WW2. In this video we look at quite a number of things that affect war. We take a specially close look at the Vietnam War and the Rhodesian War. The Vietnam war is unquestionably the greatest disaster that White men have experienced in a RACIAL WAR.

Finding an appropriate comments system for my websites has been much more complex than I believed at first.

I had received great advice about comments systems to use on the websites, but the matter became ever more complex the deeper I looked.

In the beginning my intention had been to just use Disqus like the Daily Stormer and Bitchute use, but there was controversy about it. When I investigated the technical issues, and the longer term issues, I began to scratch my head ever more.

In the end I did a really complicated, tedious and unprecedented thing, after several hours of studying the matter.

I decided to put a DIFFERENT comments system on each website so that I could observe it.

I chose the 2nd most popular commenting plugin for HistoryReviewed. It worked fine but then I realised that the REPLY button is not working when you are replying to someone’s comments.

In the end, I put Disqus on both HistoryReviewed and AfricanCrisis. Check it out.

Let’s see if the Jews manage to boycott it, and screw things up for us, or whether this works.

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Photos: Putin and the JEWS: The false belief that Putin will save the White Race
In 2017, in this article I pointed out how much nonsense is being written in the White Right about Putin being some kind of saviour of the White Race. I pointed out his links to Jews. Putin is a Jew-friendly Russian ruler. Since then I‘ve discovered even more data to support this.

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