Zimbabwe: Black Woman Strangles New Born Baby, Puts It In A Sack And Dumps It In A Stream
2006: Norman Reeves: I can solve S.African crime in 6-weeks!!!
This was a kickass Englishman I knew, who fought in Rhodesia and S.Africa. He ran a security company. He died under mysterious circumstances.
[The blacks have huge problems. This will give you an idea of how desperate and dysfunctional they are. There are many examples of blacks murdering each other for the slightest reason Jan]
A WOMAN from Bulawayo has been arrested after she allegedly strangled her new-born baby and dumped the body in a sack.
Sithokozile Ndlovu (26) from Old Pumula suburb who was pregnant was allegedly seen by her neighbours trying to throttle the baby soon after giving birth.
The following morning, the neighbours discovered the baby was missing and made a report to the police.
Ndlovu pleaded not guilty to an infanticide charge before Western Commonage magistrate Mr Stephen Ndlovu.
The magistrate remanded her in custody to December 17 for continuation of trial.
Ndlovu said her baby died while she was giving birth.
“I didn’t strangle my son, he died while I was giving birth. I only admit that I wrapped him in a sack and threw him away,” she said.
For the State, Mr Tony Kamudyariwa said on November 29, Ndlovu allegedly choked her new-born baby inside her bedroom.
“At around 10PM, the accused person strangled her new-born baby and wrapped him in a blanket before putting him in an empty sack. The following morning, she proceeded to a nearby stream where she dumped the baby,” he said.
Mr Kamudyariwa said Ndlovu denied being pregnant when she was questioned by the police but changed her story after her neighbours contradicted her.
Ndlovu’s neighbour, Ms Nokuthula Luphahla, said in court that she heard noises from her neighbour’s bedroom.
“I rushed to my neighbour’s house and I found her holding her new born baby by the neck and there was blood all over her bed. I asked her what she was doing and said she was not ready to be a mother and didn’t want the baby,” she said.
“Before Ndlovu killed her baby, she asked for an empty 10kg sack from me. I didn’t know her intentions.”
The matter was reported to the police leading to Ndlovu’s arrest.
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