Young girls developing genital ulcers after getting Pfizer’s COVID vaccine


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Young girls are developing concerning genital ulcers after getting injected with Pfizer’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine.

A recently published study said the pandemic has brought about COVID-associated aphthous ulcers after the increased use of the Pfizer vaccine in 12-year-olds and over. Six cases of adolescent girls ages 12 to 16 were diagnosed with painful genital ulcers within four days of their second vaccine dose, including two cases that occurred after infection with COVID-19.

This is the first time that cases of vulvar ulcers in adolescents and young women were addressed and discussed. Doctors in these cases said that it is important to identify and explain the possible adverse effects to help dispel the hesitancy that others may feel about receiving a novel vaccine.

Vulvar ulcers are non-sexually acquired painful lesions formed on the external structures of the female genitalia and it usually affects adolescents and young women, although there are also cases in older women that have been reported.

There have already been 282 total events of aphthous ulcer, vaginal ulceration and vulval ulceration associated with Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine as of April 14.

Of those numbers, over 40 reports were related to genital ulcers in adolescents and young women several days after they have had their Pfizer shots.

The youngest to experience such case was a 10-year-old girl from North Carolina, who developed several painful lesions 24 hours after her second Pfizer vaccine on January 29. She tested negative for the herpes simplex virus, although her report did not mention whether or not a COVID-19 test was administered. (Related: Former FDA senior adviser warns the public: FDA is purposely hiding facts about COVID-19 vaccine health problems.)

Case reports on vulvar ulcers

The first case report that described a potential association between the development of vulvar ulcer and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination was that of a 16-year-old from Minnesota who experienced fever, body pain, fatigue and vaginal lesions within 24 hours of getting a second dose of the mRNA COVID-19 shot.

The ulcers became extremely painful to the point that the patient had difficulty walking, urinating and defecating. She was seen at the pediatric gynecology clinic six days after vaccination and got tested for COVID-19, sexually transmitted diseases and two other common viruses. All tests came back negative, except for the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), which she said she had a prior infection of.

Vulvar ulcers have been associated with other viral infections including EBV, influenza and most recently, COVID-19. However, based on the clinical presentation, doctors concluded that the ulcers were associated with Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine.

There is no standard treatment protocol for these types of ulcers. Treatment usually involves administering oral and topical medications for pain control. Sitz bath is usually recommended to relieve pain, swelling and other symptoms. (Related: Girls are developing GENITAL ULCERS after getting the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.)

Another case report involved a 14-year-old from Nebraska, who reported vulvar pain and lesions two days after she received her second Pfizer shot. Prior to this, the patient was said to have “transient but severe symptoms of fatigue, body aches and insomnia” 12 hours after the injection. All of her tests, including the one for COVID-19, came back negative.

Authors of the report stated: “We believe this case demonstrates a possible novel association between the Pfizer vaccine and development of a vulvar aphthous ulcer in an adolescent patient.”

Despite these reports being published months ago, there is still no evidence that they have been investigated by the CDC or other national organizations like the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), which recommends vaccines to all eligible persons, including children.


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