WW2: Jewish Holocaust: If the NAZIS cremated and burned the Jews – Then Poland would be DEFORESTED!
Anti-White Jews: 600-plus Jewish groups sign full-page ad supporting Black Lives Matter
More than 600 Jewish groups signed a full-page New York Times ad in support of the Black Lives Matter movement.
[A good German friend of mine, made this point about the totally stupid story of the supposed Jewish Holocaust. I, too, had wondered about the insanely enormous LOGISTICS needed for this hypothetical story by the race of lying Jewish rats. I thought in terms of coal. Here's what my German friend points out. Jan]
My German friend wrote:
By the way, no one in Poland has reported any deforestation during 1943 and 1945. If one has seen a cremation, one has seen the amount of wood that is required just to burn one human body. If these holocaust cause stories were true, not a single tree could have been found around these labour-camps and a 100 km radius. But the trees were still all there, all the time
A Summary of the Crimes of the Jews against Christians and Whites
One of my South African supporters sent me this list. It was drawn up by Christians.