Who is the Whitest? Russians or Ukrainians?


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A question that is never asked in the White Right is: Who are the most European? Who are the Whites? If we take central Europe as our standard, then who are the Russians or Ukrainians closest to genetically?

The rule of thumb that you can apply to Whiteness or European-ness is the distance from the centre of Europe. It’s not a perfect measure, but it has a lot of truth to it. Whites who are further away from the center will have come into contact with some non-Whites and will have interbred with them. You’ll see this all around the edges of Europe including the Iberian peninsula, southern Europe and of course Eastern Europe.

Also Whites tend to move shorter distances away from their homelands. So you will find generally, but not always, that Whites who settled in the Russian Empire or the Soviet Union, that most Europeans are closer to Europe. Less and less settled further and further away.

The Russians are a mixture of European+Mongol+Turk. That’s what they are. So they are White, but they are not exactly the same as Europeans. They also have a whole different mindset that is much more Asiatic than Whites. They, for example, ALWAYS defer to an AUTOCRACY. For them there are 2 choices: Chaos or Autocracy. They ALWAYS feel more comfortable when they have a strong ruler. The ruler is right.

You will hear Jewish and British and American screeching about Hitler as a Dictator, but Russians are always ruled by Dictators.

The Whitest people in the Russian Empire are: Belarus, Estonia, Latvia and Ukraine.

I’m not sure, but the Georgians might also be very White. I’m not sure of this.

The racial differences between Russians and Europeans are not the same as between Black and White or Mulato/Coloured and White. The differences are much more subtle.

The mixture of European and Mongol for example makes them look very White. But they were conquered by the Mongols and ruled by them for a long time. When the "Whites" took control, the Mongols never left. They remained and interbred with them.

I think the best description of these Whites is that they are "Asiatic Whites". They mixed with another race that is high IQ but different. The Russians have much more Asiatic THINKING in their culture.

The Ukrainians are much more European.

ALSO: Catherine the Great was a GERMAN. And she brought many GERMANS into Russia. Some of them even settled far to the east. There are pockets of GERMANS in Russia to this day. Germans settled in Russia a lot, and many of them settled in Ukraine. I don’t know the exact number who went there.


Hitler sent Germans into Russia to colonise it. The wonderful Wehrmacht conquered and controlled huge chunks of Russia from 1941-1944. During that time the Germans raised SS troops in Ukraine. The Germans made many changes to the Western side of Russia including Ukraine. Stalingrad, for example, is even further EAST than Ukraine. So the Russians were ruling deep into Russia. And their physical presence as well as their rules and laws may have left a mark on WESTERN RUSSIA that may have survived to this day!

I once spoke to a Russian and said to the Russian: It is nice to meet a White person. The Russian had no idea what a White person was. Russians only know that they are Russians. There are only tiny numbers of Russians who see themselves as Whites or who identify with Europe. Those Russians are always welcome. European Russians are always welcome into the White family.

But to think that Russians as a whole are the same as say Americans and Canadians is not quite right. They are very close but they do have a distinctive tint to them that is Asiatic and different. Their culture and group psychology is different.

Interestingly, Russians think they are the BEST in the world and Russians think they invented and did most things. Because they have not been conquered, they have a better GROUP COHESION than Whites do in Africa or than Germans or southerners do. Or even better than most Europeans. That is because the Jew is breaking Whites down in their own countries. But the Russians have a better group FAITH in themselves. It may be very overrated, but it’s real.

If the Russians lose this war, their group faith in themselves will suffer a VERY INTENSIVE SHOCK. Then they will get a taste of defeat – something which all of us have experienced except for: Americans and British. A taste of defeat can clear your head. Sadly the Germans experienced it intensively. But we need to help our German and Italian brethren to get out of this.

So 2 things to remember: Russians will become more Asiatic as you go further and further east. They start looking physically different. The more to the West they are the more European they will appear.

But look closely at Putin and Gerasimov and other Russians and you will see they are not quite normal White. There are many Whites in Russia but you’ll see they are a slightly different people.

In the same way that Jews appear White to us and fool us, there is a bit of that in Russians too and also in their thinking.

White Americans did a fabulous job of remaining White Europeans – until 1965. Now Jews are f*cking that up big time.

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