Whites! We can survive & prosper even if all our enemies do NOT want us to win!


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White Shop: A great colour painting action poster of a flight of Messerchmidt 262 Fighters
A great action poster of a flight of Me 262 jets taking off to intercept the latest wave of terror fleigers. Very dynamic picture. Printed on 10oz vinyl suitable for outdoor use as well as indoors.

[I was reading some email exchanges between people and they were debating all kinds of theoretical ideas relating to this world because they were unhappy about all the chaos and problems that exist on Earth – as if they are expecting the world to be perfect and peaceful. This is just a bunch of claptrap to be honest. Get used to problems … and solving them. Jan]

So I quietly wrote this to the White folks who were lamenting:-

The answer is quite simple, as our pagan ancestors knew: Life = War.
War = The Ultimate Competition. (There will ALWAYS be competition).

As Hitler said and knew: He who wants to live, LET HIM FIGHT!

That’s all there is to it. We must roll up our sleeves and get stuck into the fight for the future.
There is nothing else to do.

Only fighters ever win. Sitting on the sidelines ALWAYS results in failure.

Eternal Peace and such dreams are impossible to have and very likely not even desirable.
We, as a race, are more than capable of surviving, winning and prospering … EVEN IF ALL OUR ENEMIES DO NOT WISH US TO HAVE IT!

One of my supporters who is a Christian was on the list and later sent me this message:-

Jan, I looked below at all the lamenting and blah blah and then your email was like , shut the hell up people and fight! I love how you put things so clearly and get to the point. Hahaha. For god’s sake, stop wondering and trying to figure out why it’s happening, fight!!! It’s like there is a fire and these people are debating over how the fire started instead of putting it out!! Act people! Action is all you have. Pray but prayer is fruitless without action. Even Christ said to sell your cloak for a sword if necessary.

Jan‘s Advertisement
Video: The Art of (((Mis-Management))): The Biggest Con Job that has fooled ALL Whites everywhere!
Whites EVERYWHERE are gradually being fooled regarding leadership and management. Most Whites dont have a clue any more what real, proper, White leadership is like or the tremendous heights it can achieve.

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