Whites need armed wings & paramilitary organisations: Jews killed our Souls: We must stop running & start FIGHTING!


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Video: General Von Manstein: Advice on HOPELESS sitations for Nations
Many Whites have told me that our situation is hopeless in all our nations including here in S.Africa. In this video I take a look at brilliant White men who lived through the hell of war and what they thought about hopeless and desperate situations. What did these men think who had spent years of their lives handling desperate, dangerous and hopeless situations.

[Here is another message from Joseph Walsh of The West’s Darkest Hour. I’ve highlighted certain paragraphs. My comments will be below it. Jan]

Hi Jan,
Thanks for your words. Do you remember when I interviewed you along with my co-host Jake for a radio show on Cesar Tort’s blog called The West’s Darkest Hour? It was back in summer 2017. I enjoyed speaking with you that day.

I’ll look forward to your video in the next day or so about why our race everywhere always loses to its enemies.

I’ve noticed our race has been losing constantly since 1945 in a sort of racial cold war. To be more precise we have been losing since Stalingrad in 1943 but at least the Germans and their allies were fighting to the death during the years 1943-1945. From 1945 onward Whites worldwide have stopped fighting and gone into a major retreat, both from our colonial possessions AND in what were once our own countries. Now only Eastern Europe is left as a White area of the globe and even that is starting to go. It is like Whites have lost the will to live and the will to fight. The once brave White Man has become a coward on the run from conflict with the Jews and the coloured races!

It is interesting what you say about the Portuguese using the most violence in Africa, I’ve been meaning to listen to that video you made on the Portuguese in Africa.

It is impossible for any animal or species to survive on Earth without using violence of some sort, without killing its enemies. Our forefathers were warriors, many of our people celebrate the Confederates or the Waffen SS yet when you speak with them about killing our enemies in the present they become scared. A cowardly race that won’t fight will go extinct, as it should!

You mention violence is the “politics of the deed.” Since the end of WWII in 1945 our race has been trying to win with propaganda alone such as flyers, stickers, websites, radio shows as well as marches/rallies, demonstrations, voting, writing books etc. None of it is enabling us to win against our enemies yet the pro-White movement keeps on doing the same things over and over again, expecting a different result. We are not learning from our mistakes. Along with propaganda and political parties we need an armed wing, paramilitary organizations that show our enemies there are consequences for messing with us in order to dissuade them from doing so. We need White MEN again who endure prison, torture and death for their race, who sacrifice for their race like our forefathers did. If we won’t put anything on the table for our race we’re not going to get anything back. But there are very few of us who have the courage to pull that off. We must respect the few men like Joseph Paul Franklin, Bob Mathews/The Order, Barend Strydom, Dylann Roof, Robert Bowers etc. that do have the balls.

How many white males at present are planning to kill their enemies during their lifetime? Very few I bet. So with very few of us fighting it is no wonder we are losing. We are trying to save our race from the safety and comfort of our own homes by tapping on a keyboard like a civilian when we need soldiers and freedom fighters not civilians. White males seek to save their race from extinction through ‘legal’ and peaceful means. But there is no legal and peaceful solution to the survival of the white race. Look at the Blacks in America. They say “Fuck the police!” and break the law all the time, large numbers of them rape our own white women yet white boys will obey the Jews’ laws even if it means our own race’s extinction. Blacks all over Africa broke the laws of their White rulers and gave their lives to free their land from White rule. Have we Whites lost the ability to do the same?

Hi Joe,

Its really nice hearing from you. I had been thinking about the 3 of you quite a bit in recent months. I found it so interesting that you had Cesar from Mexico working with you. Its the first time I’ve come across a pro-white, white in South America and I really enjoyed it. I subsequently discovered that there are upwards of 120 million whites in Latin and South America! So we have a huge number of our race there. It excites me to see some, like Cesar coming forward. It shows, yet again, the massive potential POWER of RACE, and how we are NOT DOOMED, as long as we go with our natural logic and natural instincts. Hitler was definitely RIGHT!

I also enjoyed chatting to you, but I only had Jake’s email address. I had wondered if you guys were still busy doing your shows.

re: Portuguese

I was unaware of how vicious the Portuguese turned in their fights against the blacks. The first time I heard it, was out of President PW Botha’s own mouth. He said to me that he had told the Portuguese something like this: “You people claim to be integrating with the blacks but you practise a strategy of DOMINANCE!” The words I remember EXACTLY is him saying that they dominated the blacks. When he said this, I couldn’t understand it. It didn’t make sense. It was only in recent years that I learned that the Portuguese were truly vicious and determined in their fights against the blacks and that they eventually were more brutal than either the Boers or the Rhodesians. The Portuguese were WINNING and driving the blacks back  through this strategy. The Portuguese actually were doing very well and were smashing the blacks. They even slaughtered entire villages of blacks, if those blacks supported the communist terrorists. This is something the Rhodesians and Boers never did. But I applaud that. It IS the right thing to do.

re: White Race

Yes, the white race clearly has lost the WILL TO LIVE. I see it even in Russia. Whites EVERYWHERE have lost the basic drive to struggle and fight and be DETERMINED TO WIN AT ALL COSTS. It is gone. The last whites who truly fought with INTENSITY were the Germans and their European allies.

I agree with you, we have people who say we must kill our enemies, and then in a second they go weak at the knees when someone does something. I think it is because many are new to this and do not realise the brutality needed to win. But as you say, look at the blacks in the USA and South Africa and the violence they use and how keen they are to break the law. Antifa are taking baseball bats and knives with them when they try to confront normal whites. This is WAR. It is not normal fun. Jewry uses and supports VIOLENCE. Jewry invents the lies and excuses needed to make VIOLENCE ACCEPTABLE AND MORAL. Jewry invent the lies to make it immoral for whites to defend themselves. Whites need to get out of this Jewish mind-control of our race.

I think that whites are DEAD SPIRITUALLY. I’m not using the term spiritual to mean Christianity. I mean that inside of ourselves, our “soul”, if you will, has died. I think Dr Goebbels said it the best when he said that if the Jews were to win the war, that  humanity would fall into a “dull and primitive state”. I think it speaks for the souls and motivation of whites. We are by nature energetic and alive. We explore, we build, we conquer, we fight. We’re ALIVE. Now all of that has been taken away from us. We can’t explore, we can’t build, we are not allowed to conquer or fight or to colonise. We white men are DEAD inside. Furthermore, we’ve been turned into WOMEN. Its sickening. We’re at the point where fat white girls in ANTIFA are more pumped up and driven into a state ready to fight than white males are. It is a truly pathetic state.

I think white men and white women are DYING INSIDE. The men and women are obese, are morbid. I think the Jews have destroyed our souls by having our cucked leaders control us to the extent that they have, and deep down, I think whites are struggling MENTALLY to survive and fight back. If all this Jewish Liberal crap was removed you would see our entire race jump up in excitement and with energy.

I think having enemies is good for us. Dr Pierce said a similar thing, that eternal peace is NOT a good thing.

Our soul died in WW2. The death of Germany and its allies was the death of our race and ever since we’ve been pathetic in the extreme. We must awaken ourselves, find ourselves, and white men must get militant, DETERMINED AS HELL and ORGANISED and we must be chomping at the bit to tear our enemies apart and to see their blood spattered everywhere. Only then will we finally be WHITE MEN and only then will we finally be ALIVE.

Our bodies are sick because our minds are sick. All our problems are mental, and it comes from the Jew. We have a mental POISON that has made us hate ourselves and it is physically destroying our entire race. We need to snap out of it. Sending the Jews packing and killing our enemies would be the healthiest thing we could do. We’d come alive I tell you. We must STOP RUNNING AND START FIGHTING! Jan]

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