WHITES: DIG IN! – DON’T PANIC! – Jewish Shill Mike Adams of Brighteon panicking everyone into BUYING HIS STUFF
Video: Corona Virus: South African Lock Down: Jews give Black Government R2 billion
When President Ramaphosa announced the 3 week lockdown the other day, he then mentioned that the rich whites, who own the South African economy, namely, the Jewish Oppenheimers and the Rupert Family...
I see that Mike Adams is busy with a lot of panic stuff. And he’s telling people the SHTF, and they must rush off to buy his things and to "stock up". He also makes use of someone I knew personally for a long time, whom I will not name, who is forever claiming that nuclear missiles are about to come in. Anyway, he’s busy scaring the hell out of everyone.
And I saw that someone else had a video saying masses of people are leaving the USA.
I just want to urge Whites everywhere, especially in the USA and Canada – just DIG IN. Use your own mind, assess your risks. Don’t rush off and buy stuff because these people are panicking you.
I’ve lived through much worse panics than this, and you Americans and Canadians are still far from collapse and civil war. So just take the normal precautions that you would for a recession and for the possible inflation and general economic crap. Don’t expect the bullets to fly this year or next year. Just chill, and build yourself up at a reasonable pace that you can handle. Don’t go buying truck loads of food just yet, etc. Just keep "hardening" yourself and improving your situation in accordance with the THREATS that you can see that could affect you.
No, the nukes are not coming in. No, Race War and civil war isn’t going to happen yet.
We will have a race war and a civil war in South Africa long before you guys get stuck into each other. All things will come in their own good time.
Mike Adams is sounding like these Suidlander idiots that we had over here who were panicking people endlessly for the last 15 years telling them they’re going to die next month or next week.
WAR and COLLAPSE and that stuff will come in it’s own time.
We are on the path there, but this is still years away.
You will NOT collapse before South Africa. We will collapse long before you.
So we’re further down the process, so don’t stress too much.
When the trouble comes, IT WILL BE VERY OBVIOUS. VERY OBVIOUS.
White Shop: German SA Pendant
Symbol of the German S.A. inside a wreath with the number 88 underneath. Comes with black neck cord.