Whites are not perfect … everyone was suckled on Liberalism and soppy Jewish junk… but we’re rocking…


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Black lies from 2006: Zimbabwe: Only 200 White Farmers paid of 4,000 Rest paid in 2010? Oh Yeah?
I posted this in 2006. The Blacks had stolen 4,000 farms out of the 5,000 that were there. They lied about paying the White Farmers. You can read my skepticism and the news from 2006.

This is another note I wrote to Alice Frischmann:

@Alice_F @CrunchyBacon @Confederate Alice, we’re not perfect. But as a group, as an entity, which we are – by descent – we are still very functional. Keep in mind the Jews have taken CENTURIES to regain control. The Jews are still thinking about how low they were in the Middle Ages. The vast majority of Whites in the West have grown up and been suckled on Liberalism and all kinds of sweet soppy nonsense to hide the reality. None of you were ever educated or taught or assisted to become revolutionaries or to overthrow governments. The Jews have spent more than 2,000 years learning the art of overthrowing White states. It took them a century to destroy the Tsars of Russia. Then once they had Communism, the Jews could then export Communist Revolution to the world. So keep in mind, we are all fighting a system from a standing start where none of us have the funds or the experience to face well entrenched enemies who have a LOT OF PRACTISE at overthrowing countries and sowing revolution. The Rothschilds are sitting there in the background too with their unlimited money supplies controlling billionaires. We are up against a well entrenched power including Free Masonry which Jews own. We’ve only really got going since the Internet. I think we’ve done incredibly well with almost nothing. Look at the collapse of CNN. We have played a critical role in destroying a multi-billion dollar media empire and ALL MASS MEDIA ACROSS THE PLANET IS BLEEDING INTENSELY thanks to our movement and our little websites. Your Smoloko Memes have spread across the world many times over. I have saved every one I came across, for use in videos, etc. That guy Salty Cracker or whatever his name is, he says it the best. With our memes and our blogs … we’ve taken on the rich and powerful… and even beaten them. We can go very far. Revolution – is coming. I’m sure it will come. What we are doing here on the Internet WILL DO DOWN IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD. MAKE NO MISTAKE!

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S.Africa: Elon Musks 76-year-old dad says hes had another child with his 35-year-old
Elon Musk‘s father says that the only reason we are here on earth is to reproduce. He recently had another child with a 35 year old woman.

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