“White Race Doesn’t Exist,” Says Rome’s Top Jew – My Analysis: Another danger of the Jews


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Video & Audio: South Africas most important election in 30 Years of Black Rule
The election that happened in SA in 2024 was bizarre, and Black politics collapsed on a scale never seen before. There is huge turmoil in Black politics, and Jewish billionaires as well as their puppet, the Black Jew Ramaphosa caused it all.

[One of the BIGGEST dangers of the Jews to whites is this: Jews have lived among white people for about 2,000 years. These Jews know us so well. They know every psychological trick to demoralise us. I’ve observed this with the white right everywhere and I don’t think whites fully grasp the EXTREME DANGER of these Jews with their knowledge of how to break our spirit down. They do it with such ease, and this statement by this white-hating Jewish bitch is a perfect example of their bold bullshit which hits home and has a direct effect on whites that’s negative. It is shocking that our ENEMY knows us so well and this is why we must part company with them. For them, that is a death sentence and for us it would be life. They cannot live without us and most of us have forgotten that we do NOT need these slime balls. Alex Linder is right, we should kill them all.

Just a note about blacks: If whites don’t exist then neither can Blacks nor Asians. In Africa you get many types of blacks. Some with lighter skin, some with dark black skin. They come in different shapes and sizes but neither they, nor the white liberals nor the Jews ever speak about them being so varied and therefore not a “race”. Consider the Asians and how they vary. But nobody denies that they are a race. It is ONLY whites who come under attack as “not existing”. The only people with this DEEP HATRED OF WHITES are the JEWS! Jan]

The white race does not exist, and to say it does is “ignorant,” the President of the Jewish Community of Rome, Ruth Dureghello has announced on Twitter.

(The New Observer)

“It’s inconceivable that in 2018 one must repeat to ignorant ones that there doesn’t exist a white race to defend, 80 years after the promulgation of the racial laws,” Dureghello wrote in Italian on her twitter feed.

She was reacting to a remark made by Attilio Fontana, a candidate of the Northern League party for the governorship of the province of Lombardy, earlier this week when he said that the Third World invasion of Europe was going to lead to the extermination of the white race.

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Fontana, who is running with support from a center-right alliance, whose backers include former Premier Silvio Berlusconi, made the comments on Sunday on Radio Padania, which is run by the Northern League.

He said that being unwilling to “accept all” immigrants “isn’t a question of being xenophobic or racist, but a question of being logical or rational.

“”We can’t [accept them all] because we all don’t fit, thus we must make choices,” Fontana said. “We must decide if our ethnicity, if our white race, if our society must continue to exist or if it must be cancelled out, because there are many more of them than us and they are much more determined to occupy this land than we are.”

Even though Fontana’s remarks are completely accurate—as, given current nonwhite invasion levels and the staggering reproduction rates of nonwhites already present in western Europe, that part of the continent is due to be majority nonwhite by the year 2040 or 2050—the controlled media in Italy went into “uproar” over the comment.

Not even Fontana’s backtracking satisfied the hysteria. He later explained that his remark was “a lapse, an error in expression. I meant to say we must all re-organize a different kind of welcome that respects our history, our society.”

Meanwhile, the Northern League’s charismatic leader, Matteo Salvini, refused to back down and said that Fontana had rightly raised a worry about an “invasion” by Muslims.

Salvini defended Fontana and said his party in government will “regulate every Islamic presence in the country.”

“Our culture, society, traditions, way of live are at risk,” he said. “An invasion is underway.”

The vote for governor is being held on March 4.

* Dureghello’s reference to the “80 years after the promulgation of the racial laws” in her tweet is in relation to the racial laws promulgated by the Mussolini in 1938 which sought to keep Italy European, and which excluded Jews from holding position of public office, political parties, trade unions, banks, insurance companies, higher education, and all media in Italy.

Source: http://whiteresister.com/index.php/10-news/1520-white-race-doesn-t-exist-says-rome-s-top-jew?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+whiteresister%2FxoPm+%28WhiteResister.com+-+The+White+Resister%29

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2007: S.Africa: AIDS: Drug Resistant TB: People will die like flies in southern Africa
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