White Guerrilla Legal Warfare – from Graham Hart in the UK – Canada – My Comments


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Video & Audio: Hitler the Scientific Academic Genius: His Evolutionary Herd Theory of Humans
They are always tell you that Hitler was old fashioned or stupid. The reality is the total opposite. Jordan Peterson or Jews will tell you that humans do not function in groups. We look at humans, including Whites as herds of animals. What does this mean?

[Graham Hart, who has interviewed me many times, was interrogated by the British Police for several hours in the UK a few months ago. Graham responded to the Police using the methods mentioned below. 

When I was in Canada, in Edmonton, there was a lively discussion after I gave my lecture, 50 Years of Race war in southern Africa. The whites were discussing legal tactics that individuals could use to “fight the system” without an attorney. The basic gist of what was discussed is along the lines contained herein. 
I have found, that generally, legal assistance, for whites, trying to defend themselves in a court of law is almost impossible. And the lawyers themselves do not want to be associated with you, especially in South Africa. I have gone to great lengths to try to find real legal help, but I found the lawyers to be totally worthless and I've given up. 
I think the legal system is basically worthless when you are standing up to the system since the legal system defends the system itself. And in South Africa and most of the world, the Jews, banks, etc have all got the lawyers tied up. For example all the major banks have contracted the big law firms. Thus those big law firms no longer take on cases by the public which go against the interests of the banks. 
So these high powered and costly lawyers are really worth less than a bag of shit in the reality. I have tried, and failed. 
I have heard of these concepts, similar to what Graham writes below. I, personally, don't believe that this is validly legal in any way. HOWEVER, this is such a strange way of dealing with the problem that it may actually have a value. In fact, Graham Hart, told me, that he actually sends the British Police invoices and statements, monthly, since they seized his computer, whereby, he “bills them”. They of course don't pay. But he is in their face. 
In South Africa, I know of a man, who even took a bank to court over the validity of a home loan, because he challenged the very basis by which banks invent money out of thin air (known commonly as “credit”). 
I have been surprised by what whites are capable of getting away with. This is by no means guaranteed. I have my own personal theory on why this might have some value. But I have come across this a number of times, and it may be a form of “legal warfare” since most whites cannot even afford proper legal help from lawyers. And sadly, lawyers, EVEN IN THE RIGHT WING, are pathetic beyond belief. They will not even stand up for someone in court. I think their own careers and income IS DIRECTLY THREATENED BY DEFENDING WHITES FOR THE EVIL CRIMES OF “racism” and “hate”, etc, etc. 
I wish true white attorneys would actually give free lessons to whites to help them, because in all other ways, attorneys are nowhere to be seen, and Jews and Blacks can destroy whites. It is a big area of weakness. 
I had seen how Snowy Smith fought the Jews in South Africa and he had tactics of his own that impressed me. But like I say, law students and private people are more likely to try to help whites than ANY PROFESSIONAL WHITE ATTORNEY. Truly, they are weak people. But I suspect they are VERY AFRAID because their sources of customers might be cut off by the Jews. 
So here is what Graham Hart has compiled, based on his many hours of being dealt with by the British Police, and he survived. This is his advice. Jan]

The Names Game.

September 06, 2019


How It Works.

by graham hart.

1. JOHN DOE – THE CORPORATION/COMPANY NAME – TESCO, Morrisons, WOOLWORTHS, Boots, ETC. Also used in writing*.

2. John Doe – The Contracting name. Used in Commerce & writing*.

It is crucial that you fully understand that both names in bold above are NOT YOUR names. please understand the true meaning of both before you play. Otherwise, you may lose the game.

they both belong to THE GOVERNMENT. you have a receipt using either one of them from the Government, via A Copyof your Birth Certificate. usually in the top left hand corner, you will have a stock number. example: KC213456.

3. john doe – your real name, your only name. it is your god-given name. only this all lower case (true english) name is your name. when challenged by so-called AUTHORITY, always “act” under this name. it is yours. given to you through your parents and by god (grantor of dominion). they cannotdo business’ with your god-given name, so they want you to submit to their names.
john doe lives only under god’s law. “cause no harm or loss”; and nothing else.

A True (children’s) Story.

written in the english language – response in CORPORATE language.

the POLICE called at the ‘flesh & blood’ man and woman’s home of john and jane doe on a sunny thursday afternoon at 2.40pm. both had caused no harm or loss.
with a squad of six CONSTABLES and two women CONSTABLES and with SEARCH & ARREST WARRANTS for john.
while the search is taking place, the chief of the operation DC PLOD, begins the dialogue:

DC PLOD – “JOHN (John) ?” (sounds like john doesn’t it?)
john – “are you addressing me?”
john – “my name is man, but you can call me john. is this a civil or criminal matter?”
john – “who is the injured party?”
john – “I will neither assist or resist”.

after an hour or so, john had to go to the police station. so he got up from the sofa and stood still. “RIGHT, COME ON THEN” said DC PLOD with his sidekick PC PLOD who was already halfway out of the door. “i will neither assist or resist” said john. but as soon as DC PLOD grabbed his arm, john started to move. he was led to the car where the door was already open…

“i will neither assist or resist” said john, but as soon as DC PLOD placed his hand on his back, he moved to get into the car. he was not resisting. he was not assisting. they arrived at the police station and drove into in the car park. DC PLOD said,“RIGHT, GET OUT OF THE CAR”. john again replied; “i will neither assist or resist”. by this time DC PLOD was beginning to grasp god’s law and after leading john out, he instantly grabbed john’s arm in a polite way and led him to the police station’s entrance. across the car park, through the large blue gates and into the high-wired, fenced-in, back yard.

DC PLOD stopped to key in the code to enter the building. john stopped. DC PLOD went around to john’s back and gently pushed him through the door, then john stopped as DC PLOD went to close the door behind him. in fact, every time DC PLOD stopped, john stopped, and wouldn’t move anywhere, unless he was physically led by a CONSTABLE.

DC PLOD let go of john’s arm at the end of the corridor. john stopped. to the right was the DESK SERGEANT’S window, and to the left was a six foot wooden bench, where two other CONSTABLES were seated. DC PLOD led john to sit next to them. “THIS IS JOHN, (John) OR MAN (Man) AS HE LIKES TO CALL HIMSELF. HE’S BEEN NO TROUBLE, BUT HE’S NOT BEEN ANY HELP EITHER”. john sat, looked straight ahead and said nothing.

after a few minutes, john was led to the desk by DC PLOD, where he leaned against the wall by the DESK SERGEANT’S window with his arms by his side. “YOUR NAME?” asked the DESK SERGEANT. “are you addressing me?” said john.

DC PLOD decided it was time to take john down to the cells. “RIGHT, YOU WILL HAVE TO TAKE YOUR SHOES AND YOUR TRACK BOTTOMS OFF. YOU COULD HANG YOURSELF WITH THE LACES AND YOU COULD STRANGLE YOURSELF WITH THE BELT CORD”. john stayed still. leaning against the the wall. DC PLOD watched and waited. then he heard john calmly utter the phrase he most least wanted to hear…“ I will neither assist or resist”, said john.

DC PLOD got down on his knee and proceeded to untie john’s shoe laces. then one by one, DC PLOD gently gripped his ankle to lift john’s leg to remove each shoe. then whilst still on one knee, DC PLOD straightened up, and reached for the less dangerous track bottoms that were on the DESK SERGEANT’S desk. he grabbed them and dropped them on the floor beside him. DC PLOD looked up at john. john looked down on him. DC PLOD then gripped john’s bottoms at each side of the waistline and proceeded to pull them down; in a shimmy-like fashion, until they reached the floor where DC PLOD again gently gripped each of john’s ankles to remove the track bottoms. the same occurred in the re-dressing of john. only in reverse.

“RIGHT, DOWN TO THE CELLS THEN” said PC GAOLER. “i will not assist or resist” said john. PC GAOLER gently gripped john’s arm and led him down to CELL 4, brought him a small plastic cup of water and left. john lay down on the thin-mattress bench, knowing he was being monitored by CCTV; which also filmed the toilet area. after an hour or so, DC PLOD led john to the interview interrogation room where they met up with PC PLOD.

“THIS INTERVIEW WILL BE RECORDED IN AUDIO AND VIDEO AND YOU WILL BE GIVEN A COPY BY LAW” said DC PLOD. the interrogation began with PC PLOD asking the questions while DC PLOD took notes.

after the very first question was asked, john gave the confident reply he knew would grant him the high ground. “look” said john, as he sensed a feeling that he was not alone. “i am a man of god, and no one; not you, or anybody else comes between me and my creator unless I have caused harm or loss to another flesh and blood man or woman. okay?”. with that simple statement, the game was virtually over, bar the shouting. and there would be plenty of that. but in a calm and gentlemanly way.
every question after that statement, john answered with the same reply. “no comment”. for around three hours they questioned john. during that time, he gave the same answer to their questions every time. “no comment”.

john was led back to his cell while the CONSTABLES had a tea break. john was now starting to feel sick due to being purposely denied his medication and being offered no food. after what seemed 15 or 20 minutes, john was led back to continue the interrogation. this time, DC PLOD was asking the questions. PC PLOD watched, and took no notes.

john continued to answer in the same way,”no comment”. except for once when he thought to ask DC PLOD, “who is making this claim?” “THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST SMART PEOPLE” replied DC PLOD. “iv’e heard of them. they are a DEAD ENTITY” said john. “i cannot speak to the DEAD. do you know anyone whocan speak to a corps(e)?”.

for about another three hours or so of all questions being answered with “no comment”, john informed them he was beginning to feel very sick. “ABOUT ANOTHER FIFTEEN MINUTES” said DC PLOD. when the interrogation was over, john asked, “am I being detained?” “NO”. said DC PLOD. ( if he had said ‘YES’, john would have asked to be taken before a judge as soon as one was available and continued with the same routine ) “YOU WILL BE GOING HOME VERY SHORTLY”.

and so it was after this time, that john was led back to CELL 4. as soon as he got there, john ignored the four small foil-wrapped plain biscuits and coffee that had been placed on the bench. It was the last thing on his mind and he was then violently sick twice; and utterly exhausted.

the POLICE made another effort to get him to accept his CORPORATION NAME(S) by trying to trick him into CONTRACT. But as tired as he was, john stayed focussed.

“RIGHT MR DOE, (Mr Doe)”, said PC GAOLER. “WE WILL JUST TAKE YOUR FINGERPRINTS AND THEN YOU CAN GO”. John slowly turned and replied, “are you addressing me?”. “WELL WHO ELSE IS IN THE CELL?” fumed PC GAOLER. john said nothing. As PC GAOLER closed the door he shouted, “YOU CAN EITHER LET US TAKE YOUR FINGERPRINTS OR WE WILL TAKE THEM BY FORCE”. “will you take them by force?” john responded. there was no reply. and there were no fingerprints taken either. after all, who’s are they?

about five minutes later john walked freely from the CELL to the DESK SERGEANT’S area to retrieve his clothes. As soon as he put his own pants and shoes back on, a young CONSTABLE in the DESK SERGEANT’S booth said; “RIGHT, SIGN HERE FOR YOUR CLOTHES” said the CONSTABLE, making one last-ditch attempt to get john to contract, hoping he would use his COMMERCIAL SIGNATURE. “here?” said john. “YES” said the CONSTABLE.

and so john wrote his god given name: john doe. under duress. all rights reserved. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN?” asked the young CONSTABLE. “UNDER DURESS??” john looked at him and said, “ well i’m not here under my own free will am i?

john had asked his last question and walked out the same way as he came in. out in the car park, his wife jane, was waiting there to take him home. it was midnight.

the end.

the five replies rules.

1. “are you addressing me?”

2. “is this a civil or criminal matter?”

3. “who is the injured party?”

4. “i will neither assist or resist”.

5. “no comment”. or say nothing.

*DETAINED – (highly unlikely)
take me before a judge”…where you start the same procedure again until you win. if you stand before god, you cannot lose. you have caused no harm or loss. and that’s gods law. The highest law in the land and the law of the western/european lands of christian culture.

Again, it is crucial that you fully understand and know all the above off by heart before entering the fray. It’s not difficult and the quicker you learn it, the sooner you will have a defence against any tyrannical element.

To Further your understanding.

BLOCK CAPITAL(UPPER CASE) LETTERS are not LETTERS. They are SYMBOLS. it’s called “DOG-LATIN”. (for more information, search “The Justinian Deception” by Romley Stewart.)

lower case is the only english language there is in god’s kingdom, so stand in god’s law and feel the power!

In conclusion.

Although we use the two together in writing, in the eyes of common law, this is a mixture of two jurisdictions, which is not possible and makes all so-called legal/commercial documents null & void; but that’s another story.

the author takes no responsibility for any failed attempts and does not offer this as legal advice.

all rights reserved

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