Video: An Incredible Engineering Achievement: How Neil Armstrong Trained to Land on the Moon
Jan‘s Videos about the Boers...
Here is a list of most (but not all) of my videos about Boers...
[I know that there are people who believe that the Americans never landed on the Moon. But they're wrong – very wrong. In this video of mine, I pointed out the genius German NAZI who was responsible for space flight actually. He was actually an SS Scientist: Werner Von Braun. You can watch the video here: I was very fascinated by the little Mars helicopter which has been doing awesome stuff. But there's a serious technical problem. The problem is, how do you test a helicopter for Mars on EARTH? The problem has to do with atmospheric density being different and, most importantly, GRAVITY being different. So to actually test the Mars helicopter was actually very tricky. However, there was another spacecraft that had to do some very good flying, and that was the Apollo spacecraft that Neil Armstrong landed on the Moon. I only recently discovered how freaking AWESOME the American Engineers were who figured out a way to invent a type of flying vehicle that would have EXACTLY the same performance on EARTH as it would on the Moon. In theory this is impossible to do. In practise, White Engineers cracked the problem beautifully. This video will blow your mind. You'll see exactly how they overcame a seemingly impossible problem. This allowed Neil Armstrong and all the Apollo pilots to train EXACTLY how to land on the moon. This will also give you some respect for Neil Armstrong. He was excellent and he did some seriously dangerous things. He earned the right to be the first human (White man) to walk on another world. Americans should be proud of this. This is sheer genius. Watch this video. Jan]
Here’s the video:
Video: Can 50 million Blacks kill 4 million Whites in 2 weeks?
I did an insane amount of Military Academic work in order to answer this question. In here, youll see something totally unique. I explain why I think several Blacks did research into this and what was their inspiration for coming to this conclusion, as well as the horrific ideas they have in store for us. I also demonstrate, what an all out race war would be like if it raged across South Africa. The answers may surprise you.