White Christian South African writes to me about Verwoerd & says: We are in a mess because we were EVIL


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[Here is what a White South African wrote to me. He is possibly even a Boer. Like a lot of White Christians in South Africa he believes that we sinned, and strayed away from God and that is why we are now in a mess. Many Afrikaans Whites believe this. But this is actually just plain nonsense. It has to do with the simplistic childish view of life, which Christianity encourages. It is wrong. Jan]

He wrote this:-Only wanted to point out that some people believe or experience evil. Where does evil come from? Where does love and respect come from? Why can they not believe in a Creator?

Dr Hendrik Verwoerd was not the father of apartheid. He himself said: "What I want for the white population, l want for the black population, but in their own place." That is separate development.

Today we sit with a bankcrupt country, where corruption and murder is in the order of the day.
Name me a nation, and I will point out what evils they have done through the ages.

I wrote this reply to him:

I don’t understand whether you are a Verwoerd supporter or not. You seem perhaps friendly to him. Verwoerd was very diplomatic. In the video, V03, I provided more evidence that he was at heart a NAZI, a racialist. I don’t understand why you say he’s not the father of Apartheid. Everyone else says that, and in the video I provided evidence about the crisis that Apartheid was experiencing which is when he stepped in. I do heartily approve of the concept of "Separate Development". I do think that is the best way to describe Apartheid.

Where I differ with you is about the notion of the Creator and God. I used to be in that mode of thinking my entire life. But its not valid actually. Against my own will, I have become a total atheist. I resisted it and fought it all the way, but it is in fact, the only real truth whether you like it or not. But the choice of what you believe is your own.

What I will tell you, when I read your comments, is that your discussion of evil and love and respect – does have some problems. Beware of emotional thinking. Love and Evil … This is emotional stuff. It has value inside our group, but should not be applied universally. Respect, however, is to me, a critical value, which is much more important than love actually. Evil … has its good and bad sides. You probably think in Christian terms, but evil, in its logical sense is what you experience from your ENEMY. And we in our turn should strive to be EVIL to our enemies. That is the correct way to live.

You clearly talk in terms where you indicate that nations are punished by God and that all problems come from having been evil. This is Medieval Christian thinking. This is a superstitious way of looking at life and it is totally wrong. In your case you believe that bad behaviour in general leads to your own fall. But you fail to distinguish between good behaviour to your own group (Whites), and how you should behave towards the outgroups. Whites make a huge mistake by taking values that originated in European civilisation and then making those values global. Jews for example have one set of rules for inside the group and one set of rules for those outside the group. Ditto for Muslims and many others. Whites have made a huge mistake of applying their personal in-group values to EVERYONE.

The reason we are in the mess we are in, is much more complex and it is based on politics, business, international strategies by greater powers at whose mercy we were. There is a lot of stuff that needs to be unpacked in order to understand why things are a mess. But it has nothing to do with God or whether we did not worship God intensely enough. That’s just superstition and has no validity. The real way through life is to understand that life is competitive and nasty, and only those with a deep, raging desire to win get anywhere. That is how the world really works. The German philosopher Nietzsche explained this clearly in the late 1800’s when he wrote his monumental works.

Man is given nothing. If man wants something, he must work for it and fight for it. If he’s not prepared to do that, he will get nothing. The Blacks were willing to cut people up and set them on fire if they differed with them in their politics. The Blacks were doing it right. We were doing it wrong.

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