White American Lady writes to me: South Africa is what the future Jewish America will be like


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Video & Audio: Hitler the Scientific Academic Genius: His Evolutionary Herd Theory of Humans
They are always tell you that Hitler was old fashioned or stupid. The reality is the total opposite. Jordan Peterson or Jews will tell you that humans do not function in groups. We look at humans, including Whites as herds of animals. What does this mean?

A lady in the USA whom I’ve done shows with, Patricia, sent me this comment the other day:

Jan, I’ve said since I met Karin Smith that SA was the jew template for what’s going to happen in the US. If they could keep the US and Europe from knowing the truth about South Africa, then they’d roll out the same genocide here.

Thank you for always showing the parallels.

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Video: SAs Whites Worst Enemies: Jews & President Ramaphosa Did a Black man convert to Ju
About ten or so years ago, my best Jewish friend one day told me that a very important black man has converted to Judaism but he refused to tell me the black mans name. This topic came up more than once, and he repeated this. Each time I asked him for the black mans name but he refused to give it to me. In this video, we look very closely at the extremely, uncomfortably close relationship between the President of South Africa and the Chief Rabbi of South Africa, the top Jew, in charge of the Jews.

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