When CNN came to S.Africa to fool Whites into Liberalism: The Jew Larry King Live promoted Paedophilia

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S.Africa: Black Man arrested for sex with donkey
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[This is a note I wrote to someone about when CNN came to South Africa. The CIA might have helped to push that. Jan]

I wrote:
When CNN first came to South Africa (about 1989), we didn’t realise we’re being MIND-F*CKED by Liberalism and Jews. I didn’t even know about Jews nor that Larry King is a sack of shit Jew. I saw at least 3 whole shows of Larry King talking to NAMBLA and explaining about why this is ok and why they want it. They went on about rights and consensual sex – and crap like that as best I can remember. Someone somewhere must have an actual video of those shows. It was an open discussion about why Adult Men should be allowed to have SEX with BOYS!!!! That’s paedophilia in your face – aimed at fags in this case. They weren’t pushing (yet) for adult men to have sex with little girls. It’s just a stone’s throw away. It’s disgusting. All the evil things Jews do, in many cases they go into the public and talk about it up front. I’ll be doing a video about Jews and the "migrants". I made a very interesting discovery that I’ve been keeping quiet. So you can actually hear Jews explaining why all these "immigrants" should pour into America.

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Video: SAs Whites Worst Enemies: Jews & President Ramaphosa Did a Black man convert to Ju
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