WHAT NOBODY NOTICES: The NAZIS in Ukraine and Russia: About the Brother War between Ukraine and Russia
You will remember that in April 2024, before I climbed on a plane to fly to the USA and Canada, that the US Government suddenly cancelled my VISA and I was prevented from climbing on a plane.
[This is from a European who is a serious NS and see what he says, and what I replied to him. Jan]
He wrote:
In my opinion there’s only one position that a National Socialist can take in this situation, and that is to be in support of Russian and Ukrainian Nationalists in this brother war. I hope it ends soon.
I replied:
Now let me make a point to you about the Ukrainians and the Russians. NOBODY seems to have noticed something extremely interesting about Ukrainian NAZIS and Russian NAZIS. Did you see that Azov (and there are others like KRAKEN too) are genuine NAZIS. They are 100% WHITE-LOVING people. They even teach their kids about RACE and about the fact that all Whites must stick together. Then you have WAGNER, started by a genuine Russian NAZI. But here’s the kicker that NOBODY NOTICES. Wagner was then taken over by a JEW (who’s now dead) Prigozhin. In fact, not only was the Jew killed but the original Russian NAZI founder of Wagner ALSO DIED WITH HIM!!! Notice how Wagner was controlled by a Jew – and you have Jew-loving Putin! But in Ukraine you have Azov and Kraken and their country is ruled by a JEW. So here’s the upshot: You have GENUINE NAZIS in Ukraine and Russia – but they are ultimately controlled by JEWS – because their NATIONS have either outright Jews at the top or someone like Putin who is TOTALLY JEW FRIENDLY. Putin’s history is like Nelson Mandela’s history and they both have JEWS JEWS JEWS around them!!! So here’s my question: Why didn’t the Ukrainian NAZIS manage to get MASS SUPPORT so THEY COULD RUN UKRAINE? And ditto for the Russian NAZIs. Why are the JEWS AT THE VERY TOP OR THE VERY TOP IS JEW FRIENDLY? NOBODY IS ASKING THAT QUESTION!!!!! And, the pro-Russian people keep ignoring the fact that Putin is constantly whining about the deNAZIFICATION of Ukraine. I have pointed out, time and again, that Putin is not pro-White. His buddies are Jews and Blacks all across Africa!!! I’ve pointed this out again and again.
Video: Guilt Tripping Canadians and Americans over First Nations and History
We also discussed the jailing of Leslie Bory in Canada after speaking about the Jews. We discussed many topics including Africa and Boers. This discussion took place on a Canadian show called: Rock the Boat.